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  • Upgrade?

    After weeks of waiting, I received an email saying that the upgrades would start on 1/23/08, and would be transitioned over the course of a week. This is day 7, and nothing has changed. I have tried three different browsers, two different computers, I have disabled popup blockers, cleared caches, removed cookies, and tried walking around my chair three times. I have tried entering through and through Nothing. More disconnects than usual, and I have been logged out several times today and yesterday, getting the message that my trial period has expired. When I log in again, everything is real time as it should be, but it is the old system complete with holes in charts and incorrect volumes.

    1) Am I missing something?
    2) Has anyone really seen an "upgrade?"

    Thank you!

  • #2

    We have about 1/3rd of our users that have received the upgrade thus far. It sounds as if you are not among that group. We ran into a few road bumps upon the release that have caused us to slow down the rate of upgrades. We are working on these issues and should have them addressed soon enough. The majority of users that have been upgraded are working ok.

    If you would like to test the new version out before your account has been upgraded, head on over to and log in with your regular LiveCharts username.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Hi JayF

      This is me again, macaque, the guy who had been asking you about the upgrade since the last 4 or 5 months.

      I definitely wanted to see the new version, so I did just what you said to do,,, I went to the address: and I entered my username and password, and guess what............


      Could we have access, please, and how should we do?????

      Thank you JayF


      • #4
        Originally posted by macaque
        Hi JayF

        This is me again, macaque, the guy who had been asking you about the upgrade since the last 4 or 5 months.

        I definitely wanted to see the new version, so I did just what you said to do,,, I went to the address: and I entered my username and password, and guess what............


        Could we have access, please, and how should we do?????

        Thank you JayF
        We've tested numerous test accounts, heard from other clients and even tested a handful of real accounts and all seem to work through that backdoor. What error message are you seeing if any? What problem are you actually experiencing?

        Can you try clearing your PC's cookies and restart your browser?
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5

          Thanks for the reply, and for the link. Unfortunately, it does not seem to work. It responds with "Sorry, that username and password combination is not valid. Please try again. If you continue to experience problems logging in, please contact Technical Support. "

          I verified that both were correct, both in lower case, and they are the same as I have been using for several years. As before, I tried three different browsers, cleared cookies, cleared cache, made sure pop-up blockers were off ... same answer each time.

          I don't mean to sound anxious, but I guess I am ... I am open to further suggestions!

          Bob Compere


          • #6
            Hi Bob,

            Could you please Private Message me (click Send PM button) your LiveCharts username and I'll look into our database as to why you aren't able to get through in this way.

            Note: No need to send your password; in fact, for your safety an eSignal employee will never ask for your password.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              Done ... thanks!


              • #8
                Thanks Bob. We see the cause of the issue now, and it appears that there was a configuration change made to only allow those that have received the upgrade to access LiveCharts via this method.

                I've gone ahead and requested that your account be manually upgraded this evening. If other users on the forum are also needing this upgrade sooner rather than later, drop me a PM with your LiveCharts username.
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #9
                  Is the old Livecharts format going to still be available ? why can't you tie it into the new datafeed ? I can get 2 charts on a screen with the new Livecharts all i can get is one.

                  Is 2.0 a beta release for now or is this the final version ? I can't seem to delete Studies, i can only add them and haven't had time to check out the rest thoroughly. The headlines feed seems to be stuck and isn't streaming news either though Top Headlines is selected.

                  I'm running on a Powerbook G4 so I suppose it could make a difference bt I fail to see why since it is Java.


                  • #10

                    Thank you for the feedback on the new LiveCharts.

                    The LiveCharts 2.0 is a full release that is going out to all users, so once an account has been updated with the new version, the legacy LiveCharts applet will no longer be available for that username.

                    When initially looking at the project, we did look at moving the older code over to the eSignal network, however we already had a Java product in-house that was working on the eSignal network. We chose to implement that and design a new, yet familiar LiveCharts interface to lower potential risks in moving to a new data feed.

                    Regarding having more than one chart, this was actually not an intended feature of the original LiveCharts. In fact, we ( had looked at limiting this "feature" back in the early 2000's to lower the impact that LiveCharts had on the Continuum server, however those limits weren't ever implemented for other reasons.

                    When redesigning the new LiveCharts, we looked at our many competitors at this price point and also our other product offerings. We decided to go with a broad set of features that many investors and traders would enjoy using such as portfolio tracking, an advanced chart, news, option chains, market depth, etc. In addition, a more stable infrastructure and international data was brought to LiveCharts with the addition of the eSignal network.

                    Glad to hear you have LiveCharts running on a Mac. In our tests, we were also able to get it to run, but we opted to not include OS X on our initial supported Operating Systems because of the issue you mentioned (not being able to remove a study.) The current LiveCharts uses the Windows Delete key to remove a study (click on the study and hit "Delete",) however the Mac keyboard doesn't have the same Delete key. While it doesn't have a key labeled "Delete" on the keyboard, it acts more like a Windows backspace. We're working on improving this situation for Macs, and once that is completed, we'll add OS X to our requirements page.

                    Regarding your question on the Top Stories, can you watch this section over the course of the day? This should be working fine, and in our testing we didn't find any problems in this area. The Top Stories section can sometimes update infrequently, if there are no stories deemed big enough to publish in that channel as determined by that news feed, RealTimeTraders.

                    If you have any other questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know.
                    Jay F.
                    Product Manager
                    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                    • #11
                      " .... The current LiveCharts uses the Windows Delete key to remove a study (click on the study and hit "Delete",) however the Mac keyboard doesn't have the same Delete key. While it doesn't have a key labeled "Delete" on the keyboard, it acts more like a Windows backspace. ...."

                      maybe implementing a box with an X to close a study window as you would collapse a pod would be more generic than using a keystroke/mouse sequence

                      I also notice that there no Hotlist selection for US Market Watch as there was in the old Livecharts, it would be nice to have that back as well


                      • #12

                        Thank you for adding my ID.

                        After the initial test.

                        Here are a few items needs to be addressed.

                        1. [Hotlist - US Stock Market Watch] is missing. It contains $INDU $COMPX $SPX.X

                        2. [Study - Volume] Please add the "Colored Volume Bars"
                        UP Volume [Green] - when the current price position is higher then the open price.
                        Down Volume [Red] - when the current pirce position is lower then the open price.
                        Same Volume [Black] - when the current price poisition is same as the open price.

                        3. [Study - CCI] - Please have a choice to select [Line Plot].

                        Thank you.
                        Last edited by awuit9090; 02-04-2008, 11:45 PM.

