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Terminé, fini, ending subscription...

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  • Terminé, fini, ending subscription...

    This is really sad to see that the old service of Livecharts ended up yesterday. Nobody asked us, the customers, what we wanted, or if we wanted to keep the old version.

    After all of that, this morning, I ended up my subscription to Livecharts.........

    Really sad, after several years of useful help from your web site, but the new site is ... too heavy, too long, not usefull... etc



  • #2

    yeah i'm probably next.

    this new product was absolutely not ready for going live - let alone for replacing the old one.

    they wanted to bring out something better - when in fact they destroyed something good and brought something new which is still full of bugs - and does not even offer all those very good things the old version had.

    somehow completely unbelievable - but true.

    i give them a few more weeks - then i'm gone.


    • #3
      Canceled subscription Today

      It has always amazed me how bad the LiveCharts product development team is. I don't know if it's the management or the developers or both, but they have always had trouble with reliability. Now they have have produced a new version of LiveCharts that is far worse than the old product in almost every regard. Plus they have doubled the price! I guess the LoveCharts folks think that they know better than their customers what their customers want. Big mistake. At any rate, I just canceled my subscription. Too bad, since when the old version was working I liked it and used it almost daily. However, this new version sucks and the price increase is the last straw for me.


      • #4
        Delivering what the market needs and what customers expect is our #1 aim in terms of product development and network performance. That's a significant reason eSignal is still thriving into it's 25th year and so many other vendors have closed shop.

        The infrastructure for the legacy LC application was not sustainable and we had little choice but to close down that network at some point. While we've tried to address as many of the feature and functionality requests as possible, we do realize there are differences between the old and new application.

        We hope customers will just give the new application a little more time to try out. We will continue to add improvements over time and have high confidence in the network the new LiveCharts works on.

        Thank you.


        • #5
          Thanks for the reply Scott

          Scott, Thanks for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, the new Livecharts looks to me like something that Microsoft would develop. You guys took a simple, sleek applet and replaced it with a piece of bloatware. I may be the odd man out. Perhaps the majority of your customers want a larger, more feature rich application, but I appreciated the compact, responsive app that LiveCharts used to be. In essence, you took Google and turned it into MSN - and doubled the price. I wish you the best, but LiveCharts is no longer the app for me.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ScottJ
            Delivering what the market needs and what customers expect is our #1 aim in terms of product development and network performance. That's a significant reason eSignal is still thriving into it's 25th year and so many other vendors have closed shop.

            The infrastructure for the legacy LC application was not sustainable and we had little choice but to close down that network at some point. While we've tried to address as many of the feature and functionality requests as possible, we do realize there are differences between the old and new application.

            We hope customers will just give the new application a little more time to try out. We will continue to add improvements over time and have high confidence in the network the new LiveCharts works on.

            Thank you.
            if you are serious about that (and we doubt it so far for a good reason) then start here

            and bring back ALL the important functions the old version had and remove all the BUGS from the new one.

            what you did here is COMPLETELY INACCEPTABLE - your management has obviously no clue about what is going on - and you will pay the price for this sooner or later.

            maybe you had to remove the infrastructure of the old version for whatever reason - but this is NO reason for bringing a new software with a complete new look - with less functions - AND a lot of bugs. this package is no way ready for the market - and you have no right to charge ANY money for this.

            you should have maintained the OLD version for at least the REST OF THE YEAR - while you work on the new one to make IT as good as it should be. and maybe THEN it would be ok to charge a higher price - but only then...

            what kind of attitude does your company have towards its customers???


            • #7
              While we appreciate each customer's point of view and feedback, we evaluate many factors before making business decisions.

              As I read that other thread, those appear to be more like suggestions or requests than questions. Our Product Managers keep tabs on our forums and do review all feedback submitted. We then look for patterns of requests and weigh a number of issues (complexity, popularity, intuitiveness, etc) and then rank enhancements accordingly.

              I hope the new version works for you. If it doesn't, and we do understand it may not meet the needs for every trader, then we certainly wish you well as you select an alternate service.



              • #8
                Originally posted by ScottJ
                While we appreciate each customer's point of view and feedback, we evaluate many factors before making business decisions.

                As I read that other thread, those appear to be more like suggestions or requests than questions. Our Product Managers keep tabs on our forums and do review all feedback submitted. We then look for patterns of requests and weigh a number of issues (complexity, popularity, intuitiveness, etc) and then rank enhancements accordingly.

                I hope the new version works for you. If it doesn't, and we do understand it may not meet the needs for every trader, then we certainly wish you well as you select an alternate service.

                you obviously do not want to understand.

                since when does improvment mean removing features from a previous version??

                that is exactly what you did - why ??

                tell me. all i want is that i get back what i had before.

                for me it would have been enough if you kept the old version with a better datafeed.

                before bringing out the new and removing the old one - you should have made a survey to find out what is important for lc-users - and which features and functions should under all circumstances be kept for the new version. this was not done - strange thing...

                you changed more or less everything - and react with arrogance to criticism - is that your way of doing business?



                • #9
                  We respect your point of view and have tried to explain our product development decisions best we can. It's cost-prohibitive to maintain a code base for 3 distinct (but similiar) Java-based platforms and multiple networks. We decided to go with the platform that gave us the most flexibility, was the most popular and was the most stable and reliable. While we tried to mimic the legacy platforms best we could, we realized that differences were inevitable.

                  These are business decisions and not personal in any way. No need for attacks.

                  We wish you well in your decision to utilize the new LC or choose another service.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ScottJ
                    We respect your point of view and have tried to explain our product development decisions best we can. It's cost-prohibitive to maintain a code base for 3 distinct (but similiar) Java-based platforms and multiple networks. We decided to go with the platform that gave us the most flexibility, was the most popular and was the most stable and reliable. While we tried to mimic the legacy platforms best we could, we realized that differences were inevitable.

                    These are business decisions and not personal in any way. No need for attacks.

                    We wish you well in your decision to utilize the new LC or choose another service.

                    no attacks.

                    you should just realize that i as a customer do a part of your job here - and not just that - i even pay for it.

                    if it is your (esignals) honest desire to make this product better than the old version - and i think it should be so - than just read and listen - and do whatever you can to make this new package one of the best out there.

                    the old version had an outstanding position in terms of clean look and usability, etc. (also in price - but not really in terms of stability at times...). if it was absolutely necessary to bring something new - fine. but this ist still work in progress and i hope esignal is willing and able to do everything to meet expectations.

                    additional features are one thing - but bugs are bugs and it is not my fault that there are still lots of them.

                    the features that i (and other users) want and need are for sure possible - maybe not all of them within a few days - but i guess within a few weeks it has to be possible to realize most of them.

                    what bugs ME most is the thing with the chart that can no longer be extended beyond the screen width - this was one of the best things of the old version and i REALLY DO need this.

                    (to demonstrate my good will i admit that from what i've seen so far i believe that stability and datafeed appear indeed better now - but let's see...)

                    good luck so far.


                    • #11
                      i agree totally with this thread ... the old version was sleek and clean

                      it seems insane to call this version new and improved when it's clearly so much worse than the old version

                      (and imagine how much money eSignal spent paying the developers ... what a waste of funds)


                      • #12
                        The new version is like the New Coke!

                        All gummy and no fizzle.

                        I tried to use it tonight (after hours trading is still going on!!!) and guess what? No data.

                        The VPs, Presidents and C-level folk at e-signal need to e made aware of our issues. How do we receive any assurance that they are aware of these issues?

                        As a paying customer I feel as though we are being BSed or ignored.

                        I do not care about the price. Put the old system back - I'll pay whatever you need me to. This new POS is costing me a fortune!!!!


                        • #13
                          I can assure you that our entire Senior Management team at eSignal (President, VP's and Directors) are aware of the LC conversion. Our Product Managers have also done a good job conveying customer feedback; both good and bad.

                          Are you still unable to receive data this evening?

                          btw, one of the positives of this consolidation of platforms is that we will be able to expand the support we offer. Soon, LC users will be able to get 24/5 support via LiveRep.


                          Originally posted by random
                          The VPs, Presidents and C-level folk at e-signal need to e made aware of our issues. How do we receive any assurance that they are aware of these issues?


                          • #14
                            you replace a great app with a god awful "upgrade" ... then offer 24/7 support as a bone?

                            what good is 24/7 support on something that doesnt work?

                            this is sort of like replacing a mercedes with an edsel ... then offering an expanded service department to take care of all your customers needs

