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Problem with STUDY button options

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  • Problem with STUDY button options

    when i select one of the STUDY options (like volume or MACD) ... i get the new study chart underneath the price chart

    how do you remove the new study chart?

    with the other buttons like SELECTION TOOL or MORE ... when you select an option that option is checked ... then to unselect it, you just click on it again and it becomes unchecked

    However with the STUDY buttom options, the options you select are never checked and if you click on them again, you just get another study chart

    For example if you click on STUDY -> VOLUME ... you get a volume chart ... but there is no way to them remove the VOLUME chart ... if you click on volume again (one would think to unselect it) you simply get another VOLUME chart

    Is there any way to remove the STUDY charts you select (ie to de-select them)

  • #2
    This is well described in the documentation:

    "To remove the study, select it (i.e. left click on the study title or on the study itself) and press the delete key on your keyboard."
    Last edited by bcompere; 04-30-2008, 07:20 AM.


    • #3
      that doesnt work for me

      when i left click (or right click) on a study title ... i just get a duplicate Study window with the parameter I was trying to delete

      my delete key does nothing

      right now I have 4 volume windows all showing the same thing


      • #4
        being well described in the documentation doesnt help ... if what is being described doesnt work


        • #5
          It works perfectly. I agree that the documentation is very sketchy, but in this case it is very clearly explained, and includes a picture that will show you what the study title is. You seem to be opening the Studies drop-down menu, and selecting "volume," so you keep opening more and more volume studies. In other words, the program is doing exactly what you are telling it to do.

          The information you need to read is in article 3649 under Livecharts - General Issues.


          • #6
            hubanks, you don't left-click on the study 'title', but on the actual study display on the chart (not in the menu). This highlights it and then you press delete.


            • #7
              rdu ... your explanation was perfect

              note to Live Charts guys ...
              there is a very powerful technique in designing an interface called "parallel structure"

              in a nut shell it means if you have a system that you set up (for example in the Selection Tool and More menu where items can be checked and unchecked) ... dont design a NEW and DIFFERENT system for other pulldown menus


              • #8
                what is the URL for the documention?

                i couldnt find in wacky navigation system on this web site.


                • #9
                  Click here for the main page of the LiveCharts KnowledgeBase. Then in the Search box insert the article number (3649) provided by rduclos and click the Search button. That will bring up the article.
                  Alternatively click here to go to directly to that article
                  Hope this helps

                  Originally posted by hubanks
                  what is the URL for the documention?

                  i couldnt find in wacky navigation system on this web site.

