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Please update as progress is made

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  • Please update as progress is made

    I'd appreciate updates on progress being made on these problems so we know what to trust and what to expect. Sounds reasonable.

  • #2
    It is unfortuniate that eSignal can not get it right.. but that understandable.. their interest is the bottom line.. not what is of benifit to a trader.. eSignal said it's in the business of servicing traders.. but only what they think it should be..

    From the President down.. none are traders.. so it very understandable why we are subject to this mess of bugs this so called new version has.. and what about this week updates that were suppost to clear up the problem we been subject to.. I for one have not seen any change.. but new one have come up..

    I for one.. would like to have the old version available.. so I can choose what I want as a trader.. the old version served my needs very well.. this new version may look beautiful to the people at eSignal.. but it's of no use to a trader..

    When can we have available access to the old version..

