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day session only data

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  • day session only data

    it would be nice to get back to where we were with "day session only" data for the futures contracts . . . via the All Sessions button or however else it needs to be worked out, that is not important to me

    what is important is to see ONLY the trading that occurs during the day (pit hours). somebody might care where T-bonds traded at 02:00 (a.m.) but i sure don't, and i don't want that thinly traded stuff polluting my charts either. i mean, how does one keep any continuity from day-to-day on a 5min or 15min chart? right now, for the most part we can't

    the "=2" extension now works with the AB, NQ and ES. it doesn't work with the MC or the YM, leaves big blank sections on the charts corresponding to non-pit hours, obviously this is not usable. the situation with the MC has been reported for quite a while now, when might we see this addressed? i mean, its the same exchange/platform as the AB, NQ, ES . . . shouldn't be all that difficult to solve. this will be especially important now that the AB will be delisted after the Sept contract

    additional contracts needing attention for "day only" viewing:
    ZB - electronic T-bonds
    ZS - electronic Soybeans
    ZW - electronic Wheat
    ZC - electronic Corn
    LE - electronic Cattle
    HE - electronic Hogs

    please advise
    Last edited by goofyfoot; 06-03-2008, 10:18 AM.

  • #2
    preface . . .
    this reply was written in reponse to a post that has been subsequently withdrawn by the author or removed by a moderator. i will let it stand as a reminder to myself and others . . .


    let's stay positive in this thread. most folks don't want to read negative stuff, they want to find info that will be helpful to them, they want to know if others are facing the same "challenges" they are and whether these "challenges" have been reported to the "authorities"

    i know you're (we're) frustrated at times with the pace of progress, but obviously negative comments and complaining don't produce results. if they did LiveCharts would be a diamond by now :-)

    as simple as some of the things we want done seem, we're not aware of all the internal "challenges" these guys are facing, some may be exchange related or data-feed related . . . who knows. we have to believe that there are competent people in place that are trying to move things forward. and i'm sure that these people (like most of us) will respond better to encouragement than they will to the whip

    all we can do is identify things that need improvement and be persistent with a positive tone. the only other alternative is to take our business elsewhere

    good trading,
    Last edited by goofyfoot; 06-03-2008, 07:40 PM.


    • #3
      improvements - 060408

      indeed a good morning today

      MC M8=2 and YM M8=2

      are now plotting correctly, no more blank sections between days. i'm seeing this on:

      Server Name = LC-B-09
      Server URL =

      many thanks to all involved


      • #4
        waiting for a response

        had hoped for someone to weigh in here by now . . . but i understand, you guys are busy

        with the prior version of LiveCharts, we were provided with a means to view "day only" data for all futures contracts, be it bonds or grains or meats or currencies or . . . . we need to get this back ASAP

        with the recent improvement (correction) for the MC contract, i was actually quite surprised to see that "day only" data could also be viewed for the YM contract, even though it trades on a different platform from a different exchange. but it does prove that this can be done, so what about the ZB, ZN, ZW, ZS, ZC . . . they are from the same exchange and the same platform as the YM ???

        talk to us . . .

        learn how to communicate . . .


        • #5

          the following was posted by a member named "wilky" in a different thread on 02-26-08 . . .

          "Jayf, I'm also having problems with the all sessions with the currenies at CME. With the old live charts, for the all sessions to work we had to use C instead of H for the march contract month. When you used the all sessions button with the symbol C we would get the 24 hr chart. Undo the all sessions button and we would get the same data but only during the day session time frame. Not the day session data, which is how I liked it. Is there any chance that using the symbol 6E H8 (euro) and the all sessions button to get both 24 and 7( 7:20-14:00cdt) hour charts?

          The relationship between the 24 and 7 hour charts are vital to my trading. This is the reason that I stayed with LIve Charts when I started using Market Q(at the time it was FutureSource Xtra). I may be able to live with only one chart, but if I can't get the 24 and 7 hour chart problem fixed I will have to cancel both live charts and Market Q."

          wilky -- are you still out there? if so, what have you learned regarding to the above?

          Jayf -- are you still out there? if so, what have you learned regarding to the above?


          • #6
            Regarding the creation of more day session or =2 symbols.

            The feedback I've received thus far is that there isn't an easy fix.

            Data comes in under one symbol and present work arounds to create the ones already available aren't practical when applied on a broader scope.

            There have been some discussion of possible ways to accomplish the inclusion of more symbols and this has been referred to project management.


            • #7

              well that is certainly disheartening news

              with most of the volume now on the electronic platforms, that is where one needs to trade. but it is still the "day session" hours when most of the trading takes place, trading with volume that is, which is essential to price discovery (timely fills, etc)

              i don't understand this, i don't understand this not being a consideration from the beginning. with the old product we had push-button access to "day session" hours for the e-mini stock index contracts, the Globex currencies and the electronic T-bonds (ZB), the All Sessions button. surely the "Data comes in under one symbol" applied there too. isn't this simply a matter of using a filter? isn't this somehow provided for with the Qcharts and eSignal charting applications?

              would you want to trade off a chart like this? wouldn't you wonder what those odd times were when all the volume took place? wouldn't you want to see a chart of just those times?

              what can i say, i'm stunned . . . .
              Attached Files
              Last edited by goofyfoot; 06-10-2008, 12:58 PM.


              • #8
                people don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan . . . .

                your project management boys should thank their lucky stars they don't report directly to me. i have been waiting patiently for over 3 months now and i no longer feel that patience is the best avenue . . . .

                who do they report to?

                what is the appropriate channel/manner to contact Chuck Thompson?
                Last edited by goofyfoot; 06-10-2008, 12:57 PM.


                • #9
                  "ScottJ" wrote:

                  " . . . so I'm sure you'll see some exciting enhancements in the future."

                  this is the type of thing marketing people say . . .

                  we don't need "exciting enhancements", unless of course that means giving us back what we had in the past, such as the ability to view the "day session hours" for all futures contracts. i'm extremely tired of looking at the grain markets as small islands of activity in a sea of low volume nonsense. what good are "new technical indicators" when everything flattens out between these islands of activity? we need to have day-to-day continuity on the 5min and 15min time frames. the pit contracts are so thin now that they don't provide this, so we need to see the electronic contracts (ZC, ZS, ZW, etc) filtered to show only the "day session hours"

                  same can be said for the bonds (ZB), the meats (LE, HE), the currencies . . .

                  let's get it done, this is important and not just to me, its important to YOU. pay attention to that, its important to YOU . . . from a marketing standpoint


                  • #10
                    We are looking into a fix to solve this issue for you but there is no workaround at this time and I don't have an ETA. I'll keep you updated on any new developements.




                    • #11
                      dear "wireless",

                      thank you for letting me know that there has been no progress on this front

                      please keep in mind . . . that you would not be resolving this issue for me, but for hundreds (perhaps thousands) of your existing customers. therefore, you would be resolving this issue for you. you would be resolving this issue to not only maintain a good segment of your existing customer base, but to attract even more customers. it just makes good business sense. so by isolating the issue as benefitting the needs of a single person, you do yourself (and your company) a disservice

                      i see that the moderators have been a bit more active in culling caustic posts, that has been needed for some time. a post here has been eliminated perhaps because of the tone, but i do have to agree with the underlying theme of it. rarely, if ever, has a problem (issue) been solved by saying it can't be done . . .


                      • #12
                        In agreement with the sentiment express by goofyfoot..

                        They have deleted.. or not allowed posting.. I know that for a fact..

                        Looking at fixing something.. is not the same as working at fixing.. looking seems to the ongoing sentiment..



                        • #13
                          Tradermars and goofyfoot,

                          We are working on the issues, as evidenced by numerous releases over the past few months. Clearly, there are some users that are unhappy about the current functionality of LC and some changes that resulted from the switch of platforms.

                          We will continue to work on the issues but if the service does not meed your needs, regrettably, you should consider alternates.



                          • #14
                            thank you for the invitation, i accept. sad in a way, i've used and supported LiveCharts for many, many years

                            good fortunes to all fellow forum contributors

                            happy hunting, there ARE alternatives out there



                            • #15
                              Just to keep everyone updated, we are looking a different ways to display day session only for all electronic contracts. As usual, please let us know if you have any comments.


