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Issues (bugs) that need immediate attention

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  • Issues (bugs) that need immediate attention

    Todd.. Chuck.. Whoever in charge of LiveChart development..

    Issues (bugs) that need immediate attention:

    As a trader.. the following issues drive the hell (anger) out of me..

    1. the 3 min time frame..

    why is it so hard to incorprate the 3 minute time frame selection into the dropdown menu.. in trading.. it is a very meaningful trading time frame.. why do we have select ,3 every time one needs the time frame.. ending up with a long list of symbols in the symbol dropdown menu.. yes I do understand that I need to do it only once.. but when you have many difference symbols on different charts.. it makes for a lists that is a mile long.. not discounting the time it take to setup each chart...

    2. the exporting of a chart..

    the old version exported the chart in html format.. the new version exports the chart only in a jpg formal.. the jpg format does not allow the chart to be raised up for a side by side review situation.. the html format does allow that.. as a trader.. the review of the daily price action activity is an important activity..

    3. the graphing space between the vertical line of the quote column..

    the line that is graphed in the present moment.. next to the vertical line of the quotes column is to close to the line being graphed in the moment.. when used in a standard 10 minutes spread (10 minutes vertical chart lines).. it is very difficult to read the open and close of the bar being graphed.. which is a very important activity to be careful monitored during trading.. should have double the space it presently has in the 10 minutes spread reading..

    4. the "all session" function..

    the "all session" function available in the dropdown menu.. does not work... has not worked from day one.. and yes.. I can get the day session by entering =2.. which does not always work.. why do I have to have a dropdown symbol menu that is a mile long.. which is what occurs when I am finish setting up.. not discounting the setup time on each chart..

    These are the areas that.. from a trader's stand point.. require immediate attention..


  • #2
    3 min time frame

    hello Mars,

    i'm going to try and help with one of your issues because i want the folks at eSignal that try to keep us out of the dark (sometimes just barely) to have as much time as possible to put unbearable pressure on the project management group until we have a product that is worthy of the customer base it enjoys (not to mention the eSignal name)

    okay . . . with #1 on your list.
    one can add a time interval just by entering it into the Interval Box. no need to deal with the Symbols Box at all (though it can be done there too, but should only have to be done once). then once its there, in the Interval Drop-down Menu, it works for whatever chart you want to view

    i was a little behind the curve here too, because i think in the original version of LiveCharts the only way to add an interval was thru the Symbols Box. there has been more than one post over the last few months that has indicated a similar misunderstanding

    so for everyone out there: add new intervals directly thru the INTERVAL BOX. its simpler, its quicker and it avoids unnecessary symbols in the Symbols Drop-down Menu

    if this helps, you're welcome. if it doesn't, please disregard
    Last edited by goofyfoot; 06-10-2008, 06:48 PM.


    • #3
      Hello Goofyfoot..

      I just tried what you suggested.. and it does work.. it will save me lots of fustration..

      Thanks for the info.. and your time in this matter..

      It's hard to reason why LC email service would lead us to use the ,3.. in order to have the 3 min time frame.. I have email on this for the last 2 months or so.. and it took a user of their product to assist another us.. figure this one out.. so much for understanding their product..

      It will be a worthwhile product.. onces they figure out what is needed to serve traders.. unfortunately for now.. it would seem like we are not listened to.. the designers or development people are more interested in beautiful colors and gadgets.. over traders functionality needs..



      • #4
        I apologize for the confusion regarding the interval box from my initial reply to the "3 min charts" thread on 5-12-2008

        3 min charts

        In the Interval box, you should be able to enter a number in that field like 3, 7, etc and hit enter. The new time frame goes to the bottom of the drop down menu as will other user defined minute intervals.
        I only mentioned the method with a comma as an additional way of changing intervals, which is why I led off with additionally in the next paragraph. Again, I apologize for the confusion.

        With regards to the =2 symbols, and all sessions. The data we get from the exchanges for futures isn't broken down into separate feeds for day session. There isn't a separate session, which is why the 'all sessions' feature doesn't work for futures in it's current state. The =2 symbols are synthetic and created on our side, but from my understanding we're not able to create such symbols for all futures and engineering, QA and the LiveCharts project manager are looking into possible ways to have a work around. It does not appear to be an easy/quick type of fix though.

        With regards to the type of export that goes with the printable chart and the autospacing of the vertical axis, I can forward those comments to the project manager for LiveCharts.


        • #5

          Apology accepted.. and thank you for responding...

          And I also apologize for not having read the previous response (5/12/08) properly.. it's difficult enough to trade.. without having to learn how to operate a new software along with it.. I don't mind spending time once.. to learn.. but not on an ongoing bases.. that is why.. in part.. why we are upset with the premature release of this software..

          As a trader.. one needs simplity of setup and functionality.. the old version had that.. didn't have the looks.. but was easy to setup and function very well... as far as I my needs required..

          With regards to =2 symbol.. and all sessins.. it worked on the old version.. just get the programing from it.. and it has nothing to do with the data feed.. it has everything to do the software programing..

          With regards to the type of export that goes with the printable chart and the autospacing of the vertical axis.. please do forward the comments.. not "I can forward".. this is to important to be idling in noware land...


