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Charts out of synchonization with clock

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  • Charts out of synchonization with clock

    For the last few days.. the charts are graphing out of synchonization with the clock.. from 6 seconds to as much as 10 seconds.. this AM..

    This AM is the worse that it has been.. one or two seconds in not bad.. but none 6 - 10 seconds..

    The attachment shows 8 seconds.. and the charting has just moved to start the next bar..

    If its not one item.. its another..

    HELP ! ! !


  • #2
    I don't see an attachment. Please post example.



    • #3
      The charts are graphing out of synchonization with the clock.. from 8 seconds to as much as 12 seconds.. this AM.. one or two seconds in not bad.. but not 8 - 12 seconds..

      Is the chart clock in sync with the exchange..

      This needs to looked at..

      I tried to attached a chart.. it would have shown a 9 seconds off..

      it said the attached is to big.. that's another problem with this setup.. whatever.. it seems like everone is giving up on eSignal..



      • #4
        Would you be able to indicate which server (via tools, java console)? Any particular symbol?

        With repsect to the clock in the program and the data on the T&S area I'm not seeing a delay for ES U8, for example. I'm currently on LC-H-01.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          I have the following info from java console..

          Server Name = LC-H-01
          Server URL =

          I am not referring to the time and sale section..

          I am referring to the graphing section.. the ending of a bar.. and the beginning of the next.. and observing symbol ES U8..

          The graphing is right out of sync this AM.. much more than previous days.. and that is very annoying..

          Attached Files


          • #6

            it said the attached is to big..
            Instead of saving your images as BMP which tend to be rather large try saving them as GIF or even better as PNG which are considerably smaller. The file size of the image you posted for example is 55.9K as a BMP and only 7.5K as a PNG (see attachment)
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Thanks Alexis..

              I am not used to saving desktop image in this manner.. I save them in Wordperfect.. and do what I need to do with the image from there..

              some ten days ago.. I spend a few hours trying to figure out how to save the image.. so it could be used in this forum.. and gave up on it.. so I appreciate any guidance on this.. I don't need to spend time figuring out how to save an image.. just so eSignal can get to understand what wrong with their software.. it's just annoying..

              I will save them in png.. in the future..




              • #8
                Any decent freeware image editor will alow you to easily capture an image and save it many formats.
                One of the better image editors I have found [and use regularly] is IrfanView which is free and can be downloaded here

                Originally posted by tradermars
                Thanks Alexis..

                I am not used to saving desktop image in this manner.. I save them in Wordperfect.. and do what I need to do with the image from there..

                some ten days ago.. I spend a few hours trying to figure out how to save the image.. so it could be used in this forum.. and gave up on it.. so I appreciate any guidance on this.. I don't need to spend time figuring out how to save an image.. just so eSignal can get to understand what wrong with their software.. it's just annoying..

                I will save them in png.. in the future..




                • #9
                  I've been monitoring this server the past hour and I haven't seen the discrepancy for when the new bar builds at a delay.

                  Just took the screenshot and the new bar is being built exactly at 10:25:00 AM PST, on LC-H-01.

                  For this I put the cross tracking on the bar as it formed and immediately took the screenshot and it's matching the LiveCharts clock above the T&S section. From the Data Window, it indicates the minute interval of the bar I've selected and from what I can tell, it's spot on.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    trademars, we should have like results since we're on the same server, after comparing your bar pattern it does look as though your chart didn't have the 11:21 bar built. I took maybe 15-20 samples before and after your post on that server and I wasn't able to replicate the problem.

                    I was wondering if you were experiencing anything that might cause the application to display the data differently. Are you experiencing high CPU usage? Does closing other programs change your results in the program? Are you experiencing any connectivity issues? Does running a traceroute program like pingplotter (you can try tracing to show any packetloss or high ping times?


                    • #11
                      To answer some of the questions asked..

                      The unit that I use for the charts is a P4 3.2 with 2 g of ram with 4 monitors attached.. attached to router with high speed connection..

                      The only other item working in the background on the unit is an Excel document which is open on one monitor.. and that uses little cpu power.. and not connected to the internet..

                      As for connectivity issues.. I an not sure what you looking for.. my other units which have my live trading platform on.. all work ok.. never had a trade connectivity issue with regard to entry and exit of trades.. executed in the moment at all times.. or loss of quotes..

                      Use to have a pingplotter on my older unit... did not re-install the program.. so I can not be of help there...

                      Will see what tomorrow brings.. I install Alexis recommend software.. seems to work better for me.. at least.. better than mspaint.. so I may be able to provide better attachments..

                      Thanks Alexis..


                      Thank you,
                      Todd I.

                      I was not experiencing the level of off sync.. a few weeks ago.. it's been in the last 15 days or so..


                      • #12

                        The chart's are graphing out of sync with the clock.. is the clock in sync with the exchange.. for this problem has started to occur some 15 days ago..

                        I have attached a desktop shot.. (using Alexis recommend software.. much easier to work with.. thanks Alexis).. showing 8 seconds off.. but it is more like 10 seconds off on most bars..

                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          The chart graphing are out of sync with the clock..

                          The attachment is of 9.32.09 this AM.. and the next bar did not start until the 12 second mark on this attachment.. and I am directly connected to the modem.. solid cable connection.. with high speed.. just below a T1 line.. at the busiest period of the market action..

                          Server Name = LC-H-08
                          Server URL =

                          So question if the issue is at my end.. this very annoying.. for I use the ending of a bar.. and the begining of bar.. in my timing my market entries..

                          The graphing was not out of sync by that much a while back.. now they seem to be getting worst by the day..

                          This is very annoying.. very distracting..
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            do you mean time and sales being ahead of the lc-clock?

                            because this is what i get at the moment.

                            one of the reasons why i suggested to make quick server switching possible.

                            if this is related to single servers...


                            • #15

                              On LC-H-08 I haven't been able to replicate that problem today on a 1 minute interval for ES U8, from connections on our network as well as off our network, either with IE 6 or 7.

                              Perhaps it would be best if you PM'd me your information and I'll have a technical support rep contact you.
                              Attached Files

