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Charts vertical graph lines unstable

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  • Charts vertical graph lines unstable

    This AM charts vertical graph line are unstable.. charting at 10 minutes interval.. then at 15 minutes interval.. then back to 10 minutes.. this occurs on the 1 minute time frame..

    When one switches to a 3 minute time frame.. charting occurs in 10 minutes intervals..

    This occurs ever day.. this causes a lot of confusion.. when viewing difference time frame charts..

    I would like to attach a chart.. but it tell me the file is to large.. and that is the chart I saved under exporting a file.. so how does one attach a file..


  • #2
    use some "screen capture" software to save a chart

    the export feature gives a chart that is much too big for any practical use, such as posting here. excessive in file size too, around 440k

    the typical charts i save are in .gif format and average around 35k

    there are some freeware programs out there that are adequate, but some very reasonably priced commercial ones too (that's the route i go)



    • #3
      It looks like (depending on how you adjust the horizontal axis)the chart could use different spacing for different days (on the same chart), such as for Wednesday vs Today (Thursday).

      A slight adjustment in either direction (via dragging the horizontal axis left or right) seems to display the chart with uniform 10 min separations or 15 minute separations (see top or bottom charts from screenshot).

      I'll forward this example to our QA department. If this is not the problem you are indicating, please post with more detail.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I stretched a chart across a couple monitors and I see that the problem can happen within a given day too. I'll forward that information to our QA department as well.
        Last edited by eSignal_ToddI; 07-03-2008, 10:24 AM.


        • #5

          Thanks for the info.. I do use a "screen shot" of of my desktop to save my charts.. the export function is of no value in the context of being able to rework the chart after..

          But the screen shot is saved in working document in Wordperfect.. with saves the image in a bmp file ending format.. which will not allow me to export it.. copy and paste into this message.. so I will search out a software you recommend..


          I understand the stretching of the horizontal axis.. and I always set it at the 10 minute time frame.. the last setting allowable just before the 15 minute kicks in.. in other word.. the last one available in the 10 minute time frame.. and work all my charts from the that same setting..

          But for some reason.. the graphing changes from 10 m to 15m.. then back to 10 m on its own.. on the 1 minute setting.. but on the 3 minute setting seems to be stable..

          I understand that I can make an ajustment in the horizontal axis.. but because of the different comfiguration.. the charts done look the same.. don't provide the same image in the price action pattern..

          It's that when one looks at one chart.. then glances at another chart on a different monitor.. the setting are not the same.. and that cause lost of focusness.. which is distrubing..

          Will work on getting some software so that I paste or attach a chart.. over the week-end.. this is an issue that has been ongoing.. but the last few days.. it seems to be doing it more..



          • #6
            I did see the alternating pattern on the chart I spread across 2 monitors which I reported to QA.

            Note: If you hit the Print Screen key, you can paste that to Microsoft Paint (in accessories), that should enable you to resize the image and save it as something other than a .bmp, such as a .png or .gif


            • #7

              Not meaning to butt in - but I've had real, real good luck with a program called SnagIt from TechSmith. It's $49.95 and worth it.

              They also have a free solution (for now) that they are messing with called Jing, more info is here:

