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Data Problems

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  • Data Problems

    I am noticing many data irregularities today:

    Someone had mentioned before trades being highlighted as highs or lows, but I had not seen it ... today it continues to highlight 3.13 as the low for ETFC, even though the low showing on the chart is 3.11. For some time, it was going back and forth between trades at 3.12 and 3.13, and the 3.13 trades were highlighted as lows ... the 3.12 trades were not. Detailed quote is showing 3.13 as the low, which is obviously where the error is coming from. There have been many, many trades below the 3.13 mark.

    Yesterday I was seeing several instances where the last price showing in the portfolio and detailed quote windows were different from the time and sales and the chart.

    I just looked at QQQQ, and it was showing in the portfolio a last price of 45.49, even though there were 8 trades at 45.50 since the last trade at 45.49.

    Yesterday I was on Server Name = LC-H-10, today Server Name = LC-H-04 ... so it does not appear to be server related. I can so no pattern to which stocks are incorrect. I am not nearly as concerned about features that have been changed as I am about the integrity of the data. I will try to communicate more examples as I find them.

    I must also add that when there are increases in the volume of trades, the charts are getting VERY slow to refresh. The most reliable time frame is Daily, and I have had some instances where I left a 1 or 5 minute chart selected for several minutes without the chart filling in. This concerns me greatly.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Bob Compere

    UPDATE: ETFC just dropped to 3.10, but 3.13 is still showing as the LOD in detailed quote.

  • #2
    F is highlighting 4.79 as HOD, even though there is clearly a tick at 4.80 at 12:05 CST, which is confirmed as the actual HOD from other sources.

    At 12:13:16 there were several trades at 4.80, but a trade at 4.79 following those was highlighted as HOD.


    • #3

      At (or near) 12:43 CST, detailed quote is showing LOD of 3.0595 and LAST trade of 3.04 ... HMMM ...

      Repeated at 12:45:52

      The Volume matches other sources, so it does not appear to be missing trades ... it is just not keeping track of the low correctly.


      • #4
        One more, and I'll quit ...


        Daily Chart (Time Frame D) is missing days entirely. There are only two days of data showing for July, and only 15 showing in June ... just blank days in between ...

        If I switch to 60 minute, and squeeze down the chart, the only blank is from the Thursday afternoon problem.


        • #5
          We're trying to replicate your issue but it seems to be working ok on the systems we tested. Can you PM your email info so that we can further troubleshoot?

          eSignal Support
          Last edited by esiglou; 07-08-2008, 12:57 PM.

