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your $XOI is screwed up again

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  • your $XOI is screwed up again

    printing 1/10 of its value ?

    what the heck is with that ?

  • #2
    when teh screen for $XOI is forst invoked time n sales shows good values then the next update comes up with one thats 1/10 the value iof what it should be

    is anyone there looking into this ? apparently these messages are rarely checked ????


    • #3
      I am unable to replicate that result at this time. Could you indicate the LiveCharts server you are connected to that displays the problem or provide a screenshot if the circle in my screenshot doesn't represent the area you are having a problem with.

      I'm currently connected to LC-H-09
      Attached Files


      • #4

        I would suspect that he was seeing the same problem that I reported in another thread with $INDU and $COMPQ. In fact, I also mentioned it yesterday. I will try to attach a screen shot, which will show a tick on $INDU of 1163.51, which you can find just below the bid and ask lines, which impressed me as odd on an index as well.

        server LC-H-10

        I am sure that you realize that chances are very slim that you will be able to replicate problems such as this hours later. Unfortunately, we do not have any means that I am aware of to get a message to someone immediately ... when the problem MIGHT be able to be observed in real time. If, for example, these errors are related to your data feed, then it stands to reason that they can only be duplicated while you are getting bad data. If there is a flaw in my logic, please let me know.

        If you would like to investigate tracking number #168036-857766#, you will see that there are multiple data errors that I have sent screenshots of two weeks ago. I received my first response today (prompted by a new screenshot that I sent) which said "I'm sorry I haven't got back to you. I check with our developers today and they are still looking into this issue."

        One problem that I reported via email was missing bars on the Daily Chart for symbol CA ... I got a response back on 7/10 telling me "I reported the missing bars to our data team. They will fix those missing bars." As of today, the CA daily chart was still missing bars.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by bcompere; 07-23-2008, 05:31 PM.


        • #5
          Here is a screenshot from yesterday on $COMPQ, which shows 5 minutes of T&S for $COMPQ, in the 227.50 range ... this certainly seems to be a decimal point problem. You can see that the price shown does not reflect in the Hot List, but what you cannot see is that it DOES reflect in both a Portfolio and Detailed Quote.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I've been able to replicate and report the appearance of bid/ask in T&S issue on an index like $indu and reported missing daily bars for CA (this should be correct now).

            I haven't been able to replicate the decimalization problem as yet with actively updating data on LC-H-10, if the window to replicate that issue is slim, that one might be best contacting us via the QCharts Technical Support line to see if a rep can connect to the same server.


            • #7
              Just looked at CA ... it is much better now ... only missing one day ... 6/23.


              • #8
                QA rebuilt some more bars for CA, could you try it again?


                • #9

                  You obviously carry a lot of clout with those folks! ;-)

                  I have sent a response to your latest PM ...


