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Data instability

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  • Data instability

    Every day for the past week or two incoming data flow stops for more than several minutes, and I have to kill the applet and log in to a new session which then runs OK for another hour or two.

    This happens three or four times every day. Even when running normally the data flow seems to come in batches with frequent time gaps of several seconds.

    This happens with all servers.

  • #2
    seeing the same here especially today

    T n S stalls out at times, charts take forever to come up

    come on people get with it will ya ?


    • #3
      This is still happening to me, eight times today already: the incoming price data just stops for at least two minutes, at which point I have to kill the applet and log in to a new session in order to get proper LiveCharts operation.

      It happened today with servers H-11, H-06, B-04, H-06, B-09, B-04, H-11, and B-02; (B-10 running now). Each time I get immediate correct operation after logging in, which lasts for a while until it stops again.


      • #4
        Having the same issue.. charts freezing up.. it occur more in the AM.. and more so if I have more than 2 new charts up..

        If I run only 1 new charts.. it doesn't occur after 10 AM.. but between 9 and 10.. it has occurred every day this week..

        Logging out and back in seem to correct the matter.. but it's very annoying.. along with the vertical girdlines playing their own game.. have better things to do than logging in and out..

        Help guys.. whoever the product manager is.. he is not a trader.. thats a fact.. for he would fix these annoying issues..


        • #5
          Still a big problem

          The workarounds by tradermars seems to be useful but even if I run with no extra spawned-out charts the longevity of a logged-in session is very short, especially in the morning. Today I have had to log in to new sessions nine times already; I have to constantly monitor the times of actual trades to be sure the chart and data are current.

          LiveCharts are much less useful as a trading tool than they were two months ago. What is the reason for this change, are the servers more congested??

