it appears that there is no mechanism by which to clear the ticker list in say the Charts frame ? if you save the current settings teh previously entered tickers are saved and restored as well upon entering the next session
also sometimes the full list of previously entered tickers is visible and sometimes not
it sure would be helpful if we could SAVE and IMPORT ticker lists
TICKER , TIME_FRAME sure would be useful to have since it was in 2.0 and is an easier method by which to switch between views
and teh syncing need to work when sellecting a Ticker by way of mouse from the Chart Ticker list
also sometimes the full list of previously entered tickers is visible and sometimes not
it sure would be helpful if we could SAVE and IMPORT ticker lists
TICKER , TIME_FRAME sure would be useful to have since it was in 2.0 and is an easier method by which to switch between views
and teh syncing need to work when sellecting a Ticker by way of mouse from the Chart Ticker list