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problem in login

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  • problem in login

    after i login this message "You are now logged in.

    A new window should open automatically to launch the application. If this does not happen, you might have popup blocking software enabled. You can temporarily allow popups by holding down the <CTRL> key while you log in. For additional help regarding popups, please view our Knowledge Base or contact Technical Support.

    Click here to launch LiveCharts.. "

    the url is
    but if i click to "launch LiveCharts" i see this page for the next time/

  • #2
    doesnt work for me either

    i use to be able to cut n paste the launched version's url into a new tab and it would bring up a second chart

    now the second chart doesnt do anything but when i enter a ticker there it shows up in the chart in the other tab

    so one chart works the other is dead

    hmmmmmm - use to be able to have multipole charts under 2.0 - not no more it seems


    • #3
      how can i do this?

      I try to login but i don't see any chart only login window


      • #4
        ioiri - could you indicate which browser you are using and are you allowing pop ups on

        For example, I'm using Firefox 3.6.15
        Java version 1.6.0_24

        If I go to with a pop up blocker, I may see a message that I'm using pop up blocking software. At the top of my browser there may be a yellow bar that indicates my browser prevented the pop up, and I would have to go to the options button and "Allow pop-ups for (see pic)

        Disable Pop-ups KB

        Likewise: If you're logging in from you would have to allow pop ups from that URL as well.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by eSignal_ToddI; 03-15-2011, 08:08 AM.


        • #5
          Once the site is "allowed" for Firefox you can see the site listed via.

          Tools and Options.
          In the Content Section you can click the "Exceptions..." button to see Allowed Sites for Pop-ups.

 is the normal page to login.
 was the page during the preview, but I'm able to access livecharts from there today as well.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            this link will not launch another session

            it's the url thats should supposedly

            the message that comes back is that you've been logged out of your session

            i think thats the problem being described

            i cant launch any additional charts


            • #7
              If you're using a link that goes back to a page related to a previous session, you may want to log in at, or close the browser and login in at

              If any URL should be bookmarked, I'd suggest

              To launch additional charts are you clicking the
              New - Chart - In Separate window option?
              (see pic)
              Attached Files


              • #8
                now i cant get past the certificate approval request after the login screen is presented

                java -version
                java version "1.5.0_28"
                Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_28-b04-382-9M3326)
                Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_28-157, mixed mode, sharing)
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Additionally a chart can be popped out via the "copy out" button (see pic)
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Guppy - I don't have access to a Mac.

                    Do you still experience these problems from a PC?
                    Browser/Java Version?


                    • #11
                      i was using this link which is the link presented following the login process

                      but i cant even login now not even at

                      i give up going to just use ameritrdaes streamer - cant wadste anymore time on this for now


                      • #12
                        conflict livecharts with nis

                        i use NIS and than i disable NIS livecharts is started. Probably i need to open additional ports in a new version of livecharts. This problem begin only today.

