Running IE 8.7600.16385
Using JRE version 1.6.0_24-b07
Connected to: Server Name =
MQ3-B-07 (network)
MQ3-B-09 (on DSL)
I'm seeing T&S pull up historical data and update with new data in no more than 2 seconds both on our network and via a DSL connection from 2 different PCs.
Tried with linked T&S Windows that were imbeded in the main window and also popped out at each location.
Using equity and future symbols like AAPL, YHOO, MSFT, BAC, GS, IBM, WMT, NFLX, COST, ES #F, NQ #F
I realize you normally work on a Mac, which I don't have access to.
Are you getting the same results via a PC?
If so perhaps some details to replicate the problem...
browser/java version?
which LC server are you connected to?
which symbols are you trying?
maybe details on your workspace setup if that is a contributor to the problem
I tested each of the Firewall/Proxy Configurations within LiveCharts preferences (e.g., ports 2812, 80, 443) and with each connection I get more specific server information than you posted.
I see something like:
Server Name = MQ3-B-10
Server URL =
Server Name = MQ3-B-05
Server URL =
I was able to get the historical T&S data to load instantly and waited a couple of seconds for a new update for EGY.
I compared LC 3.0 to eSignal 10.6 and LC 3.0 updated a split second after eSignal updated.
For me the wait with EGY was just the time between updates since it's currently not as active as other symbols like AAPL, WMT or ES #F, which all updated in T&S in less than 2 seconds for me running LC 3.0 on Server Name = MQ3-B-01.