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QCharts/QFeed future?

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  • QCharts/QFeed future?

    Hello, I was a long term user of QCharts and developer in the QFeed SDK up until 2004. I am now looking at resuming use of QCharts/QFeed, but am concerned about some of the comments in the forums here. Could someone please answer the following questions:

    1) Will QCharts still exist with access to the same quality of data in 12 months time?
    2) Will QCharts still cost the same after the switch to the esignal feed?
    3) Will access to the development SDK still be available in any form? I'm a software developer by trade, so switching APIs does not daunt me, as long as the functionality and wealth of data still remains.

    Best regards,


  • #2
    Re: QCharts/QFeed future?

    Hello Peter,

    Thanks for the great questions. Answers are below:

    Originally posted by rdx
    1) Will QCharts still exist with access to the same quality of data in 12 months time?
    Yes. In fact, the quality of data will be even better. QCharts 6.0, which is due out later this year will be powered by the eSignal network, which supports the automatic corrections and official timestamps sent by the exchanges. The end-result is much cleaner data sync'd up across all servers.
    2) Will QCharts still cost the same after the switch to the esignal feed?
    For the most part, yes. We have no plans on raising the base price of QCharts. We did make a recent change that went into effect October 1st, where users will have the option of adding delayed data to their accounts in bundles of $5 (stocks or futures.)
    3) Will access to the development SDK still be available in any form?
    Yes, there are 2 API's available for the eSignal network. An institutional variety, and a retail API. More information can be found about these API's at . The QDP (QFeed) API will discontinued on 10/31/2006; many developers have either already transitioned or are already working towards doing so.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Re: Re: QCharts/QFeed future?

      Originally posted by JayF

      Yes, there are 2 API's available for the eSignal network. An institutional variety, and a retail API. More information can be found about these API's at . The QDP (QFeed) API will discontinued on 10/31/2006; many developers have either already transitioned or are already working towards doing so.

      On several prior exchanges on this forum it was stated that 3rd party Continuum applications will function at least until fall 2007. Has the termination date been moved forward to end of this month?

      Please clarify.

      Thanks in advance.


      • #4
        The Fall 2007 approximation for the sunsetting of QDP-based applications is still valid. The discontinuation of QDP at 10/31/06 just means that new applications cannot be written against that API past that date.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5

          Thank you for the reply, this is certainly encouraging. I have another question. As a software developer, it is the "Standard API" that I find interesting, yet it is indicated that this is only available to "corporate users". Does this mean that that this SDK is not available to individuals? Why is this the case?



