At QCharts Logon dialog, I'm getting the message you mention in the browser area. But the subject of the post is "QCharts will not start". I'm not having a problem starting QCharts. Just press the Connect button and login happens and QCharts is running. The browser area doesn't stop the connection to the data servers. If you can't connect to the servers, the issue is something other than the network status web page not being displayed in the browser area.
There has been an improvement. I started Q-Chart again and got my charts up (which was most important) but the network status window is blank. I have been using Q-Chart for 5 years and have not seen behavior like this. Here's a clue: The Q-Chart session prior to the failed start was unstable (froze up) and had to be closed and restarted 3 times. Do you think I should re-install the software ?
I am using Q-Chart ver and Continuum 2004.10.6.
I use QCharts version and Continuum Client.dll version 2004.10.6 and have no problems. Why don't you first update to the latest QCharts version?
As Bob mentions, I would install a newer version rather than re-install the existing one. If you do, install into a different directory so you will have both copies installed. I happen to run without incident. R-click>SaveTargetAs one of these links.
You can find comprehensive Uninstall and Install instructions HERE
That being said, and FYI, I happen to have a copy of installed. And am not having any problems, at least as I type, with connecting or getting charts. Try this with your
1. At Login dialog, choose the "Start with blank workspace" option.
2. If can get connected OK, don't load your existing workspace. Rather create a new Daily and a new 10min chart. See if you get fills OK with that. If so, save that workspace as, for example, name "Kick Tires". Ya know, just to have a very simple workspace to test with. It's one way to diagnose a possible corrupted regular workspace.
3. Never use "Resume previous session" option at logon. I always use "Blank workspace" and get connected first and Kick Tires first before loading production workspace.
"The page cannot be displayed" error was the result of some KnowledgeBase problems we had this weekend. This was impacting the System Status screen and a few of the links from the Help menu, but other than that, service should have been unaffected.
Jay F.
Product Manager
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