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QM crude feed?????

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  • QM crude feed?????

    anyone have a date as to when Q charts will provide the nymex feed for energy products......specifically QM crude????

    i`ve been given several different answers but not a specific date?
    this is a great trading product for us emini daytraders........

  • #2
    Hey Spooz,

    They are available. Started with the 2006 U contract. See attachment below.

    QM06X Crude
    QN06X Natty (the NYMEX symbol is QG, but it's QN in QCharts)
    QH06X Heating Oil
    QU06X Gasoline (but Settlement only, same as NYMEX)

    One has to be subscribed for the $5 Delayed Futures option though to get them (delayed), or subscribed to NYMEX to get them realtime. Ya know, just like have to be subscribed now, effective Oct 1, to get full contract crude CL, for example.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      thanks for the feedback larry........funny thing is i spoke with them weds & was told november...LOL.......either way i`m glad it`s ready to roll.
      i believe the nymex feed was $8 a you know if that includes all NYMEX product??



      • #4

        A little more info on this. Looks like the November date they mentioned at Support may have been referring to the addition of NYMEX "mini" package as a separate subscription item in the Account manager. Below is a screenshot of what it looks like in my eSignal Account (that's my eSignal product subscription, not related to and separate from my QCharts product subscription). This option in the screenshot is not as yet listed in my QCharts Account.

        Ya might wanna check your QCharts Account and take a look to see what I'm talking about. Go to....

        Login and check the pages in "Add / Cancel Product Services".

        Attached Files


        • #5
          i knew it was too good to be NYMEX minis for Qcharts......& the wait goes on....`im sure Nov will turn into January without a doubt..............thanks again larry on where to find the avail products.

          Last edited by Spooz Top; 10-08-2006, 10:05 AM.


          • #6
            Hey Steve,

            Just to be clear, the NYMEX "mini's" are indeed on the feed now, and probably available realtime. It's just that one would have to subscribe to the full NYMEX package which is available in QCharts. Looks like the NYMEX mini's as a separate (and cheaper) subscription package will be added later....hopefully November, assuming that's what the support person you talked with was referring to.

            I'm guessing here given the available info listed in the QCharts and eSignal Account subscription options and your comment regarding the support person's comment.



            • #7
              thanks again ,larry.....but i don`t see any NYMEX product available under products & availablity.....i`m going to wait for the mini package anyway being that we were just tacked with an extra $20.00 for live charts that i`ve been using since `97 that was given as part of the basic package.



              • #8
                Hey Steve,

                I hear what you're saying.

                Just to satisfy my curiosity, when you have time, could you please check your Account options again? You said that you didn't see a subscription for NYMEX. Here's a screenshot of what I see. The little box to the left of North American Futures needs to be clicked On to expand the list..

                After Login at , and the "Welcome to Account Maintenance" page appears, the link labeled "Add / Cancel Product Services" is the one to click, and then press the blue Continue and More buttons to view the various pages of what's available.

                Again, this is just to understand whether or not our accounts are showing something different.

                Attached Files

