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Newbie to Q-Charts

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  • Newbie to Q-Charts

    I've been reading and learning about investing in stocks, etc., from various sources for a couple of years now, and I'm moving on to the next steps in becoming a trader.

    With that, I purchased and downloaded the Q-Chart Plus package this past weekend (1/7/07). After going through all the instructions, I was not able to obtain data or charts for most stocks on the lists (it seemed the NYSE index was the only one that came through).

    Perhaps it is unfamiliarity with the software...but I was under the impression Q-Charts could call up the most familiarly traded stocks with much the same ease that, say Investor's Business Daily's web site stock charts - enter the symbol, and it goes.

    From reading the other threads, it seems there's been some server problems along those lines. Tonight, I was able to get a couple more stocks to work, but most just gave me empty screens.

    As the package hasn't come with a tutorial, it's difficult to see whether the troubles are on my end, or on the server side.

    Any tips?

    Thanks in advance


  • #2
    Hi Ted,

    No problems here with getting charts, fyi.

    Have you subscribed for Realtime quotes for stocks from the various exchanges? If you haven't, then you will not get charts, unless you have otherwise subscribed for the "delayed" Stocks option.

    Ya might want to check your subscription status at your account.

    If all is in order there, open the "Welcome to QCharts" workspace.
    File>Open Workspace on the main toolbar at top.
    Click down the quotesheet, or type in symbols of choice.

    [Edit addition]
    oh....there is a tutorial. Click Help on main toolbar up top and select "Help for QCharts".
    Also, info can be found at...

    Here's a talking video titled..."Getting Started with Workspaces"



    • #3
      Thanks for the quick response, Larry.

      First, subscription status should be OK, as subscription and download are both very recent. That being said, thanks for the link so I can check the status.

      The second seems to be more pertinent...from the QCharts site, it's not readily apparent one needs the extra subscriptions..

      Our QCharts subscription provides the real-time financial information that active traders in stocks, options and futures need to make informed buy and sell decisions. If you're a technical trader and want reliable, flexible and powerful real-time technical charting, QCharts is the tool that will meet your trading needs.

      Our QCharts Plus subscription offers all of the features of QCharts AND extensive research, as well as options-monitoring tools. Subscribers will get market data downloads and an array of web-based news, research and analysis from sources such as Delta, Theta, Vega, Gamma and Implied Volatility, displayed in a customizable window.
      I purchased the Plus package; the need for extra subscriptions isn't mentioned.

      Hence, I am a bit taken aback.

      I did open the "Welcome to QCharts" workplace; various symbols I typed in didn't bring up any data.

      Well, I'll click into the tutorial and the website you provided and get started becoming familiar with the software...I found the .wmv video file and downloaded it last night after I posted.

      Thanks again for the help



      • #4
        Hey Ted,

        When you check your account, click on "Add / Cancel Add-On" link. Then click thru all pages via the Blue More or Continue button. You'll need either Realtime subs for NYSE, Nasdaq, Amex exchanges. Or on the last page the "delayed" package. Ya really want the Realtime subs...$2 per exchange. Also recommend the $1 for S&P Cash indexes. And then there is the E-mini package if interested in the more popular Futures.

        Actually QCharts is pretty intuitive once you get going. Just click&try this and that. And don't forget to Right-click. Usually all the available options for that object/window will be there.

        Good Luck,



        • #5
          Well, it was the additional $$$ for live data feeds that did it. Just tested it; got charts on things I previously couldn't.

          Hate to see more $$$ outgoing (getting started), but capital investments need to be made if this is going to get going like I want it.

          Thanks again Larry, for the help and the links.


          [added in edit]

          Also - found the tutorial section as well. I think we're off to the races.

          Last edited by Ted Oplinger; 01-10-2007, 06:36 PM.


          • #6
            Okey-Dokey. Glad you're on the air now.

            Hopefully someone in support will take note of your experience and beef up the subscription process so that it's clear regarding having to subscribe to the exchanges after subscribing for the QCharts program.

            fyi, this is a recent thingy. Previously delayed stocks were just there, no extra subscription required. And fwiw, it's the same with the eSignal product...have to subscribe either RT or Delayed.

            Well, good luck to you and Happy Tradin'.


