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Chart Data does not display

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  • Chart Data does not display

    I can't get the chart data to display for stocks. It displays for NASDAQ and Dow Jones indexes, but not for individual stocks. Problem appears to be auto scaling. For some reason it doesn't appear to auto scale when trying to chart a stock. Scale is always -1, 0, 1. But when displaying the indexes, it auto scales correctly and I can see the data.
    When trying to plot a stock, the auto scale is on (checked), it just doesn't appear to be working. Is there a way to manaully adjust the scale. i.e. force the scale to plot between say 60-100?

  • #2
    Chart Data does not display

    Sounds like you have the issue covered in this thread, which has to do with subscription options...

    Start with the first post please and read thru the responses. There's also some info regarding tutorials which you previously inquired about.



    • #3
      stock charts not filling

      intraday stock charts are not filling at all this morning. tried several different servers. Eminis are working OK but no premarket movers. FYI


      • #4
        OK this is an interesting new malfunction. Have not seen this before. Not only do stock charts not display something is causing QCharts to suck up a great deal of RAM, it then freezes and must be rebooted manually.
        Anyone else seeing this this morning? I am wondering if it has anything to do with the new Beta? This is the old regular Qcharts I am referring to here. FYI


        • #5
          Can't imagine it having to do with the beta. They are run on completely different threads and have no shared DLLs.

          This may have to do with the NASDAQ outage this morning or it may be a workspace corruption issue. Are you still having the problem now that the NASDAQ issue has been resolved? If yes, have you tried a different workspace?
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            That particular problem was resolved when the NASDAQ outage problem was fixed. Thanks.

