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qchart not responding

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  • qchart not responding

    I get an hour glass when changing from one symbol to the next. (I have less than 100 symbols in the worksheet) I have to shut down qcharts and relog on. I used to just bear it but the frequency is increasing and I am getting very frustrated. I have changed nothing in my set up. I did not have this problem prior to esignal taking over.
    It happens during hours, after hours, early, late, you name it. When I go to the windows task manager it shows that I am trying to run 2 copies of qcharts and both are listed as "not responding." I am not trying to run 2 copies it is just picking up the change from one symbol to the next this way for some reason. I had similiar problems when I tried to use the beta version so I quickly gave up on that and went back to 5.1 Can someone give me some advice so I can spend my time trading and not restarting qcharts at crucial times. thanks

  • #2
    Hey snow,

    email me please...



    • #3
      Here's some steps to troubleshoot a Not Responding type of behavior in QCharts

      1) Corrupted Workspace: On a rare occasion, a workspace file may become corrupted in such a way to cause usual performance problems. This can quickly be identified by trying a different workspace than the one commonly used by the user. If the new workspace runs normally, then it is advised to create a brand new workspace.

      2) Corrupted QCharts file(s): Also on a rare occasion, a QCharts system file may become corrupted in such a way as to cause problems in the application. If #1 doesn't fix the problem, then step #2 would be to try backing up your personalized QCharts files (i.e. workspaces, .quo files, etc.) and then completely wipe QCharts off your system. This can be done by first using the uninstaller under Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel, then secondly going to Start --> All Programs --> --> CleanRegQCharts4, and finally deleting the entire C:\Program Files\ folder. After this, you would reinstall QCharts 5.1 and reload your personalized files.

      3) System Instability or 3rd Party Conflicts: If #1 and #2 didn't solve this, then #3 is the last resort. This is a much broader area to cover and more difficult to troubleshoot. I'd first suggest just running basic virus scan and spyware scans. There are a number of programs to do this. I've found CNET's to be a good source to track down tools such as this. If that doesn't grab it, then try to eliminate applications that are running in the background by turning them off 1 by 1 until you've found a possible culprit. You can do this by first closing accessible applications on the Windows Task Bar and System Tray. If none of those do it, than you can dig deeper into the applications that are loaded at startup by going to Start --> Run --> msconfig (then click OK.) And then click the Startup tab. Be careful in this area. Turning off something you aren't familiar with, can cause error messages to occur or possibly PC instability.

      Either way #3 is a more difficult route to take, so hopefully #1 or 2 solved the issue. Please let us know how it goes, snowspud.
      Jay F.
      Product Manager
      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


      • #4

        Any luck in getting this resolved?
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Thanks for the follow up. No, I am still working on the problem. It doesn't seem to be a corrupted workspace. I routinely run spysweeper and virus scans on my pc and this has not solved the problem.
          Interestingly, Yesterday was more problematic that recent days. Some days it seems ok then it starts again. I have not yet tried turning off programs as I am a little nervous about that. I am definately not a software programming person. I can do the basics and understand some but that is as far as my interest goes. Guess I'm just going to have to spend some time in that area! I am getting ready to go on vacation so hopefully when I return I can work thru it in a little more detail. Thanks again for the follow up


          • #6
            I have this 'not responding' problem and although I experience it during the week, it seems to be at its worst on weekends. I can log on to QCharts without any problem but once the workspace is loaded I cannot switch symbols or when luck is with me I am able to switch between a couple of symbols before the program hangs. I have a new PC dedicated to QCharts, I have rebuilt my workspace from scratch and reinstalled QCharts but nothing seems to help. Is there some kind of server maintenance being done on the weekends that could cause this problem? This service is too expensive to not be able to use it when I need it. It should only take me a couple of hours to go through my workspaces but instead it takes up to 3 days to get through completely....very frustrating! Has any progress been made to identify and fix this issue?

            BTW, I am also having the problem of the moving average lines not completely drawing....but that is not nearly as frustrating as the program hanging up.


            • #7

              If so inclined, try this....

              1. Download the "Simple 1" workspace located HERE
              2. Start QCharts and before pressing Connect at Login, select "Blank Workspace" option.
              3. Connect
              4. Before loading workspace, Ctrl-alt-N to SantaClara-5 (cc-05.sc8 IP
              That server is working OK for me, at least as I type.
              5. Load the aforementioned "Simple 1" workspace.
              6. Start clickin' the quotesheet, or typing whatever in the symbol box.



              • #8
                Thanks Larry! Your fellow users of QCharts can always count on you to help and share your knowledge. Bless you! I found a SC server that is working and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will continue until I'm through. Thanks again!


                • #9
                  Thanks for the thanks, atom. Appreciate.

                  It's often helpful to use this procedure to make sure that the server and your connection are working before loading a humongous workspace. It can also give a clue whether or not the production workspace may be dinged if it won't work. This little process of starting to a blank workspace, heading to a favorite server, loading a simple workspace takes but a few seconds. It's been called "Kick the tires" in previous missives. With QFAI one can target a specific server for initial connection.

                  And yes, there is maintenance on the weekends, usually Saturday it seems from mid-morning thru the afternoon, so a little paitence may be required doing server roulette.

                  Originally posted by atom27612
                  Thanks Larry! Your fellow users of QCharts can always count on you to help and share your knowledge. Bless you! I found a SC server that is working and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will continue until I'm through. Thanks again!

