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High Ping Times

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  • High Ping Times

    when switching servers "all" the ping times are now pegged at 65534.

    This was not the case in the past, any
    idea why? Are these times still accurate?
    Or is this feature no longer working.

    Still running version 5.1 for reference.
    Running this version for several reasons,
    and do not wish to upgrade until it stops


  • #2
    Hey Z,

    Did you recently add a firewall program, change router settings, or any thing that might block UDP communication with the servers?

    Here's info on enabling UDP which is required for the ctrl-alt-n display to pick up the Ping values. The number you're seeing is a not-communicating number.

    One other thing to check is the file "continuumclient.ini" in your QCharts folder. Open with notepad and see if AutoUpate is True. False can block updating of the ping field.



    • #3
      Hi Larry,

      Thanks for the reply, you are always a wealth of information on the nuances of running Q Charts!

      Am in the process of switching over to cable feed from dsl. The cable is behind a router the dsl was on a static ip without router so that must be the difference. Will unblock the ports and see if the ping time works.

      Since you are in the know, have read that third party apps (with Q Chart feed) will stop working at some point in the future.

      Anything you can add to this subject? Is Q Charts going to change the code going forward.

      Thoughts appreciated, thanks.



      • #4
        Originally posted by ztrader_2
        I have read that third party apps (with Q Chart feed) will stop working at some point in the future. Anything you can add to this subject? Is Q Charts going to change the code going forward. Thoughts appreciated, thanks. Z

        At some point in time, the "QFeed" servers that QCharts and 3rd party apps get data from will be discontinued. Some 3rd party apps are written to support multiple data feeds. If they support the eSignal data feed one should be good to go with their eSignal version using your existing QCharts Account. QCharts accounts have been enabled to access the eSignal data feed. A new version of QLink that will draw data from the eSignal feed is under development and test (info HERE).

        However, if the 3rd party app does not support the eSignal feed, yep, it will no longer work when the QFeed servers are discontinued. So one has to evaluate the 3rd party apps on a case by case basis as to their future viability regarding working with a QCharts account.


