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CME e-mini ticker symbols

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  • CME e-mini ticker symbols

    I am subscribed to this service but cannot find the
    ticker symbols for any of the various e-minis (except
    for ES and NQ). See all the e-minis on the left-hand-side of this link:

    1. What are the symbols?
    2. How do I use Help/Ticker Symbols Lookup to locate them?


  • #2
    Re: CME e-mini ticker symbols

    Hey Alan,

    For the most part, but not always, the ticker symbol in the contract specs that you supplied the link for are the one's to use. Same goes for other exchanges. A lot of syms, like the one your link points to, are settlement only, one end of day tick/day, or extremely thinly traded and are not tradeable for all practical purposes.
    As to Help>Ticker symbol lookup, I don't have the Rosetta Stone for that one. Sorry.

    The QCharts Knowledge Base has fairly good symbol articles.

    And there is a guide at YahooGroups QCharts Files area that Esteban, a fellow user, put together that lists the exchange syms and equivalent QCharts syms where they differ, and there are more than a couple like that. At thiis Files Area link, look for file "QC-FutSymbols01-06.xls".

    And there is the symbol lookup at, but they are eSignal Format.
    Where they say "ES U7", that would be "ES07U" in QCharts format.

    Front months (Sept '07) for the most popular and heavily traded index mini's....
    ES07U S&P 500 e-mini
    NQ07U Nasdaq 100 e-mini
    MR07U Russell 2000 e-mini (this in QCharts differs from exchange sym ER2)
    YM07U Dow 30 e-mini (CBOT)
    MC07U S&P 400 e-mini (differs from exchange sym EMD)
    QC07U Nasdaq Composite mini (differes from exchange sym QCN)

    And of course, there is this forum for when you get stuck. <grin>




    • #3
      Thanks, Larry.

      My question has morphed into a data/subscription issue.

      I enter (into QCharts
      EFE07U and

      and QCharts recognizes these CME eminis
      (EFA futures and FTSE/Xinhua China 25 futures)
      but there is no data.

      Do I misunderstand the $30 emini subscription?
      Is Qcharts 6.0 different?


      • #4
        Well...hummm. I carry the same $30 emini subscription as you.
        Find attached a chart and T&S for EFE07U.
        Tried a couple of different servers, a Miami and a Santa Clara.
        And as you can see, I gots tha data.
        And seems to be the same as in QC6 (the eSignal feed).

        Re: XFN, there's data also, but it's thin, thin, thin, and the last few days have an issue with Settlement not being formatted OK and missing daily bars, but eSignal has volume 0 on those days, so thinness(lack of trader interest) is an issue possibly.

        So, at least regarding EFE, whazzup with your no-data experience?

        Attached Files


        • #5
          Yeah, tried a bunch of servers (mia, sc, continuum) -- no data on any of them.

          Maybe there is some kind of permissioning problem, since
          these futures are newer than when I first subscribed to
          the eminis. Can somebody reset my emini permissions or
          whatever makes sense here?

          Minor issue, but I don't know why the EFE future we
          are talking about has a QCharts title with "Settlement Only", since
          that suggests just an end-of-day value. Instead, we are talking about the time and sales series, right?


          • #6
            That Settlement Only in the Title is a clerical error methinks in the wherever-it-is database that has titles assigned to symbols. EFE is not a Settlement only sym. And I've see this title error on other symbols, that of course slip me feeble memory at the moment.

            Regarding your notion of permissioning, if you are getting ES and NQ, you should be good to go for EFE. I show it as a non-delayed symbol here which kinda leaves out it requiring the $5 subscription for "Delayed Futures". Pretty sure EFE is part of the $30 e-mini package.

   have a clue??



            • #7
              EFE should be in the CME Emini package, but based on the discrepancy seen in the CBOT-mini package, I suspect the CME Emini package may not be providing the full list as well. Below is the QCharts 6.0 (eSignal) symbols that are provided; our engineers will match this up with the Continuum list and make sure they are in line.
              Attached Files
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #8
                What's strange though is that I can get EFE chart data just fine, and Alan can not, and we both subscribe to the emini package. He can get ES/NQ for example realtime. So, seems like it's not a global thingy regarding syms defined, or not defined in the e-mini package.



                • #9
                  Can you check the Title to make sure you aren't getting it delayed? Since the {Delay x} flag is at the end of the title, I couldn't tell in your screenshot. I suspect that you're on the delayed futures package, but Alan is not. ~Jay

                  Pretty sure it's not an issue of Delayed package or not. Thought that might be the case initially but looked at that earlier and ruled it out.
                  From earlier post...
                  I show it as a non-delayed symbol here which kinda leaves out it requiring the $5 subscription for "Delayed Futures". Pretty sure EFE is part of the $30 e-mini package.

                  Anyhoo, here's what you requested. And the quotesheet with the Delayed column, showing SP delayed, as it should be. I've been waiting on the sucka to tick so I could show I'm getting it realtime, but it's too thin, can't wait any longer. Well, trust me, I did that earlier, did indeed verify it's coming to me realtime.

                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Thanks much Larry.

                    Alan, please private message me your QCharts username and we'll take a look into the issue further. Alternatively, you can call into support at 510-785-1254 and they can investigate over the phone. Either way, it does indeed sound like this is account specific.
                    Jay F.
                    Product Manager
                    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                    • #11

                      For what it's worth, my Qcharts also shows a
                      "Delay" of 0 for EFE07U and 10 for SP07U even though I don't
                      get any data for either one.
                      Last edited by finpress2000; 07-09-2007, 01:02 PM.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Alan for the PM. I was able to quickly log in as you (late after-market) and also saw the same problem you are seeing with no charts on EFE07U. This is likely some combination of permissions in our database, so I'll get our engineers looking into the problem from the back-end.
                        Jay F.
                        Product Manager
                        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                        • #13
                          Something new.
                          My charts for EFE07U are now live. (7/10/07: 13:58)
                          However EFE07Z, EFE08h are still no data (but a check at the cme site shows no trades there, either).

                          Tried these other emini's from Jay's list:

                          SP507U: not recognized.
                          RN07U: not recognized
                          BIO07U: recognized, but no data
                          EED07U: recognized, but no data

                          Also, from my orig. question:
                          FXN07U: recognized, but no data

                          So, at this point, it looks as if EFE07U has been
                          permissioned to me but not any of the other emini's
                          (besides ES & NQ which were ok from the beginning).
                          Last edited by finpress2000; 07-10-2007, 12:20 PM.


                          • #14

                            Often a T&S and Daily chart are needed to see whazzup. See attachment of the EFE07Z you mention.

                            Regarding the Asia 50, sometimes the three character syms as listed at the exchange are in the QCharts/Comstock feed, but as two characters. The most notable being Russell 2000 which is ER2 at CME, yet is MR in QCharts. Anyhoo, I can't find a symbol for Asia 50 in QCharts. However in checking the eSignal feed, it's another of those thin, thin, settlement only thingys no one is actively trading, and CME has no flash quotes, fwiw.

                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              MR07U works fine and so does MR07Z

                              But EFE07Z is still "no data".
                              I always monitor any active symbol with a
                              chart, a single quote, and time and sales. So ... whenever
                              I have posted something about no data, it means all three
                              of these windows are empty except for the title.

                              Interestingly, my title showing for EFE07Z has "{D10}"
                              at the end. Given all the previous discussion,
                              I get the strong impression that
                              any emini futures with 3 char. root symbols have to be manually
                              permissioned to me one by one, and somebody forgot
                              to handle the out months (beyond Sept) on EFE ??

                              Also, maybe they forgot the other 3 char. emini guys:
                              BIO, EED, FXN, etc. that QCharts knows titles for.
                              Last edited by finpress2000; 07-10-2007, 03:32 PM.

