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QCharts 6.0/6.1 Poll Feedback

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  • QCharts 6.0/6.1 Poll Feedback

    This thread is intended to serve as a place to comment on this poll. If you haven't already done so, please vote. We want to hear your thoughts on QCharts 6.0, so let us know!

    Thanks in advance.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

  • #2

    OK, I'll be the first to stick my neck out. I think it would be counter productive to release QC6.0 to the general populace until some of the problems are solved. I know that you must be under tremendous pressure to get this released but you know as well as I that the average user is far less tolerant of problems than the current development users and you might find yourself spending most of your time answering dumb questions. I know you want to get more user experience but I still think it is too early.

    I'm sorry I can't say better things at the moment but I think the lack of input here so far is the result of users not wanting to say negative things.

    [EDIT] I will run QC5.1 and the latest version of QC6 until QC5 is no longer supported.[/EDIT}

    Best regards,

    Last edited by bobscott; 08-23-2007, 10:15 AM.


    • #3
      I am looking forward to seeing reliable and complete option
      trades and quotes.

      On the other hand, I am starting to worry about a possible
      loss of the fundamental market data (updating market capitalization, book value/share, etc.). Does the eSignal feed provide this market data?



      • #4
        QCharts 6.0 on the eSignal network does provide a number of fundamental data fields including the two you mentioned. There are a handful that are not currently supported, but we're working on adding as many as we can for 6.1.
        Attached Files
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          That's great -- interestingly, the Book Value/share is
          aparently empty for Dell today on the QCharts feed, so
          similar market data with more reliability will be very welcome.

          Another fundamental data item that is very helpful is Sales/Share if you don't have it already.


          • #6
            Sales/Share isn't one of the fields currently available on the eSignal network, however we are working on obtaining that field (hopefully in time for 6.1.)
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7


              I very much appreciate all the hard work that you and your staff
              are continually doing to build a new version.

              There are some issues that really should be fixed before releasing
              the full version to the general public.

              1. The Afterhours capabilities are not very good. I switch to 5.1 as
              soon as the market closes to get trade data which is very important
              to me as I buy or short reporting stocks just before the close.
              Trading this way requires the data to keep coming with no drop-outs.

              2. It's very hard to get correct option data. Releasing a
              Gold Version would generate many daily phone calls from option users.
              It's hard to trust option information, especailly early in the trading
              day, because we never are quite sure what is stale and what is live.

              3. The data manager cannot, as yet, handle 1,000 symbols.

              4. Many fields are not available as they are in V. 5.1.

              5. Reseting of option data is extremely important once the
              Gold Version has been released.

              All in all, the Beta version is coming along quite nicely seeing
              as it has had to be built from the ground up. Also, the fact that
              we will be able to firmly depend on volume and other data to be
              very, very reliable in the future is a wonderful feeling. The
              data on V. 5.1 has been suspect for years because of the slower
              servers and has been frustrating, but the information has been
              tradable and I have made strong percentage increases for quite
              some time: In my case, eight years.

              Jay, in my opinion, you have the best program ever devised for monitoring market activity, and NO ONE else even comes close.

              Again, thank you for all your hard work and I am really looking
              forward to seeing a final version once you think it's ready.

              Thank you,



              • #8

                I very much agree with the comments of hardtaill and bobscott earlier in this thread. As much as I'd like to move to the eSignal feed, the softare and data capability aren't yet sufficient for me to move to 6.0. However, I'm very much looking forward to that time.

                Thanks for all of your effort as well as your openness and availability to QCharts users during this process.


                • #9
                  Initial impressions of Qchart

                  Hi Jay.

                  I really have only just downloaded the release candidate and looked at a couple of symbols, but I've noticed a few things:

                  Lines I've drawn on charts of indexes are not there. While this is not a show stopper, for those of us who have drawn lines or made notes on index charts, it is a major inconvenience.

                  I've also noticed that on my 195 minute charts, the 200 period moving average lines are not complete. They end on today, but they only go back to about July 27 of this year. In other words, my 200 sma goes from about July 27 to today (black ma line on the 195 chart below).

                  All intra day history seems to go back only to March 6 regardless of the timeframe (see 10 minute chart below).

                  It seems to be slower drawing the charts than 5.1 (I have five timeframes displayed at one time).

                  I know there are a lot of improvements over 5.1, but I don't think I can use it as it is now.

                  Attached Files
                  When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
                  -- P.J. O'Rourke


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bobscott

                    OK, I'll be the first to stick my neck out. I think it would be counter productive to release QC6.0 to the general populace until some of the problems are solved. I know that you must be under tremendous pressure to get this released but you know as well as I that the average user is far less tolerant of problems than the current development users and you might find yourself spending most of your time answering dumb questions. I know you want to get more user experience but I still think it is too early.

                    I'm sorry I can't say better things at the moment but I think the lack of input here so far is the result of users not wanting to say negative things.

                    [EDIT] I will run QC5.1 and the latest version of QC6 until QC5 is no longer supported.[/EDIT}

                    Best regards,


                    A ditto of Bob's comments for me - and to reemphasize one of the biggest issues I have is that the candles populate tooooo slowly. I can run thru/evaluate a quote sheet of 50 symbols in 5.1 in about 20 minutes. In 6.0, I can get thru maybe 10 symbols in the same time - maybe - because I'm waiting for candles to populate and/or I see Daily but no Intraday's and vice versa. So, for me, that's more than quintupled the time I need to spend every night as well as the anxiousness it puts on trading and waiting for charts to fill in order to make a $ decision. It's a real confidence breaker knowing that sometimes I may have to wait 10 minutes for an Intraday chart to fill - or have to reboot in order to try again.

                    There are many things I do not understand, but one thing I have come to understand and come to believe very strongly about trading is that more than the fundamentals, more than the technicals, one must be very confident to trade successfully. And when the #1 tool one uses is suspect - confidence is blown out the window.

                    I'll do anything I can to support you in working out the bugs: run tests; provide input; ask smart questions; ask dumb questions; be creative; whatever it takes. But currently, I see 6.0 as a significant step backwards in capability and I believe most users will as well.

                    In the spirit of helpfulness,
                    Last edited by ckelly; 08-30-2007, 09:33 PM.


                    • #11
                      In 6.1 will unlimited backdata be available?

                      I thought I remember someone saying this will be but I want clarification.

                      This is VERY important to me. 6.0 has what 120 days?



                      • #12
                        Yes, 6.1 will have the 10+ years of intraday bar data that QCharts 5.1 had.
                        Jay F.
                        Product Manager
                        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                        • #13
                          qCharts 5.1 to 6 with 3rt party software

                          I currently use QCharts 5.1 and a 3rd party software version eSignal (Investor RT).
                          So I had downloaded and installed eSignal Data Manager (version 8.1 Build 360).
                          May I now directly install QCharts 6 or must I uninstall Data Manager before installing QCharts 6 (I want to be sure that my 3rd party software works).


                          • #14
                            You shouldn't need to uninstall QCharts 5.1 or the existing eSignal Data Manager in order to upgrade to QCharts 6.0. The default QCharts 6 installation path is different than 5.1 (it will likely default to the location where you last installed the eSignal 8.1 Data Manager. I would suggest creating a new directory for QCharts 6.0 (e.g. C:\Program Files\QCharts 6.0) just to make sure you have a clean install of all parts. The Data Manager automatically starts when QCharts 6.0 is launched, and you should be able to launch IRT after QCharts 6.0's authentication has been completed.
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #15
                              First Impressions of Qcharts 6.0 (

                              Hi Jay,

                              This is certainly not an exhaustive review, but only a few quick observations of the 6.0 release.

                              One of my complaints on the release candidate was that my lines were not preserved for indexes (symbols starting with '$'). This is still true.

                              The 'text' lines (those starting with '#') in a quote sheet are missing.

                              I use a 233 chart and the 200 period moving average is either not on a chart or is short (ending today but beginning about 8/23). It seems correct on the other intraday charts I use.

                              It's not able to resolve $COMPX and $GYY.

                              My datawindows were not there. It was checked under the Format menu. I had to turn them off and then turn them on to view them.

                              When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
                              -- P.J. O'Rourke

