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What Version of Qchart to use?

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  • What Version of Qchart to use?

    I have been using Qcharts version for years. Sometimes it locks up and I have to end the session and start a new one, but other than that, I am in general, happy with it. Can Larry or Jay tell me why I should upgrade to newer versions. I am worried my venture into a newer version may prove not good and lose my existing version in the process. Larry described long time ago how to upgrade and still keep the existing vesrion, just in case, but I do not remmebr the steps that Larry described.
    My computer is Pentium 4, 3.21 GHz and 1 GB RAM. Thanks
    Last edited by Elneweihi; 10-05-2007, 10:44 PM.

  • #2
    Hey Ahmed,

    I am not Larry or Jay, but I'd like to give my two cents on this... Right now I am using which can be downloaded at and it works great for me. Version is the last version that will be released using the Continuum data stream. It rarely locks up on me anymore but I have also upgraded to a faster computer with much more memory which helps a lot. You might consider adding some memory to your system in any case; it will help. In addition, a good, fast network is critical for daytime use of any charting service.

    Check out this website: for help with QCharts also. It is a great resource. It has information about upgrading with step by step instructions.

    eSignal has just released a new version (version which uses the more-reliable eSignal data stream. I have used it a few times, but I tend to stay with what I know works for me. As with any new software release of this magnitude, there are going to be bugs and differences between the new and old versions. It looks and feels very similar to version 5 but the underlying data processing is very different. The longer term plan is to phase out the COntinuum data network and go with eSignal's data exclusively. When this happens, you will be required to go with the new version because anything below version 6 won't work anymore. Jay can advise on the plan timeframe for shutting down Continuum data.

    If you read through these discussion groups, you will see some comments about things that need to be fixed, but the eSignal folks are very responsive to getting things fixed quickly and answering questions about differences between versions.

    If your computer is fairly powerful and your network is fast, version 6 may be a good candidate for you. Version 5 may be a good intermediate update for you before going to version 6 completely. You should back up your files in either case (workspaces, symbols, etc) because there are differences in the file structures and naming conventions of indexes and futures symbols between versions 4/5 and version 6. If you choose to install either version, just make sure you install it in its own folder. I installed in a folder named with the full version number to avoid confusion, for example, C:\Program Files\QCharts\QCharts

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck,
    Last edited by tradertom; 10-06-2007, 08:36 AM.


    • #3
      Howdy Ahmed,

      tradertom just kindly posted pretty much the same info and comments that I was gonna say. Great post T.

      As additional fwiw, I too use for my primary trading workspace, and also recommend it. Bill Bledsoe''s excellent QCSoftwareHelp site, as T mentioned, has THIS page on installing into it's own folder, leaving your 4.5 intact. I might add here that the additional function in over 4.5 can be viewed in summary form in the Readme.text that will be in the folder after install. For detailed descriptions/tutorials on the new functions, some of them substantial, look for the "WhatsNewInQChartsXXXX" documents at the QCharts DOWNLOAD site.

      Regarding QCharts 6.0, it wouldn't hurt to install it, kick the tires on it, and see what you think. There's no conflict or problem with having 4.5 and and 6.0 all installed in their respective separate directories on the same computer. Jay and company want as many eyeballs on 6.0 as possible. Given my style of trading and my set of user requirements, I can't use it as yet for production. Sorry Jay <grin>. But that's not to say another user's set of requirements won't find it OK for production at this point in time. See for info on and downloading of 6.0.



      • #4
        Question on Upgrade and Efficient Session

        Thanks T and Lam for your excellent and prompt response. I have two more questions.

        After I have installed the new version in its own folder, I believe I have to copy and paste into it my existing Workspaces and symbols. Anything else, like ContinumClient or Prefrences?

        Re efficient session, I run only one chart, but I have several Quotesheets open (about 20), each one has a list of stocks and indices ranging from 10 to 50 symbols. Is this OK? Sometimes things run smoothly, but several times I click on a symbol in the Quotesheet and it takes 10-20 seconds for the chart to display.


        • #5
          See your other thread "Newer Version and Efficient Session" for my reply.


