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Problem with Qlink Time

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  • Problem with Qlink Time

    The time associated with the “request bar” when using intraday data does not give the time that my computer is running. For example, I’m in California and have my settings to PST with Day Light Savings on. When opening an excel sheet using the latest Qlink the time is always 2 hours ahead (Chicago time) when viewing the close of each trade whether 5, 10, 15 minutes on a closing basis. The QChart preferences are set to PST time and I’ve downloaded the latest Windows update. Within QLink using the “request bar” and intraday data it does allow one to choose different times but no matter what starting and ending times I put in it makes no difference. Also, data does not update dynamically and just stays the same price. Any suggestions?

    Bill K

    PS I have tried this on my other two computers at home with the same result. In addition, I have modified time settings (Eastern, Central, Mountain) on QCharts and my computers with no success.

  • #2
    Hello Bill,

    Just like the former QLink, all times in the product are based on the Eastern Time Zone currently.

    I'll add this to the list of future product enhancements for QLink.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Data Problem

      Hi Jay,

      Its just not the time. For example, I high light 3 rows across and 124 rows down, using intraday data at 10 minute intervals with date, time and closing. Starting 11/1 at 9:30 through today the closing figure is 830.4 for the AB #F and that figure does not change. I have used excel 2003 and 2007 and its no different. I have tried other symbols and still no update for each 10 minute close.

      Thank you, Bill


      • #4

        I have an excel sheet up now with a symbol on 3 different sheets (same excel sheet). I symbol is Chicago time and the other two are New York time. They are all set from 9:30-4:00



        • #5
          Hi Bill,

          This bug has been tracked down and relates to a conflict with QLink and a certain server type. We are working on upgrading the servers, and subsequently this bug will go away in about a month's time once all servers are upgraded.

          Apologies for the inconvenience.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            Intraday Data

            Hi Jay,

            I have come to the conclusion that the Intraday Data just does not work very well. Very inconsistent, times are off, data sometimes duplicates itself row after row, etc. When I change to just daily data there is no problem. Any suggestion?


