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CPU with 6.0

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  • #16
    CPU spike for 10 seconds for each new stock

    I'm fighting the same performance issues that other's have posted. I just recently migrated from V5 to V6.0.1.2, as in a couple of days ago.

    In my workspace, I depend on quickly looking through about 100-125 stocks. With V5, I could scroll through these with about 2 to 3 second time lag. With V6, this has moved up to about a 8 to 10 second time lag, with a majority of this time the CPU is pegged at 100%; when you multiply this by the 100-125 stocks, this becomes painful.

    I've experimented with having only a single 15 stock quote sheet, which apparently doesn't help any. It's the candel stick charts that are less than a Daily timeframe that seem to chew my CPU up, even though I just noticed that these less-than-Daily timeframe charts only go back in time by 6 months (which is another problem I've already posted in another thread).

    I've set my "Max Cache Size" to 100 M in my Preferences, yet QCharts apparently ignores this setting, as my QCharts right now is chewing up 362 M. Yet, I'm still within my physical RAM. Thus, this is probably a minor issue at the moment.

    Any other ideas that could speed this performance?

    (I have a 2GHz processor.)


    • #17
      There seems to be no real solution other than a software update.
      The latest version does not seem to resolve the issue. I will keep using V5 until it is fully resolved. Pegged CPU is not the only problem, so frankly, why burden us with an upgrade that is an inferior product to the older one? I love the e-signal quote reliability, but it cannot come at the cost of a degraded overall functionality.


      • #18
        Thanks everyone for the posts. We are looking into these performance issues (i.e. CPU issues, long chart load times, and memory caching issues,) and we will put forth every effort to make significant improvements in these areas for QCharts 6.1.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #19
          Thanks Jay. When is QCharts 6.1 targetted to be released? I want to set my expectation on how long it will be until these performance issues are fixed.


          • #20
            Thanks Jay. Yes, QC will be the best out there once these details get solved. I am also noticing an improvement in as far as CPU pegging.
            Any chance we will get floating windows one day?


            • #21
              Originally posted by eckel
              I am also noticing an improvement in as far as CPU pegging.
              Hey eckel,

              I'm curious regarding your statement. My observations are that has an inherent, and regretfully, significant "increase" in the %CPU (horsepower) used when compared with previous 6.0 builds. In other words, an increase in processing inefficiencies.

              The %CPU used by QCharts on a given box is variable, a function of the individual's workspace content, the workspace's demand for data and the prevailing moment to moment rate of data flow into the application. Perhaps you're noticing a smaller %CPU due to recent overall lower market trade rates?



              • #22
                That could be. The first time I fired up, I had a CPU freeze, but not today. And I am still trying to figure out why YM #F is showing 1520 (ES) on the quote sheet after hours...
                Last edited by eckel; 12-10-2007, 05:46 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by eckel
                  That could be. The first time I fired up, I had a CPU freeze, but not today. And I am still trying to figure out why YM #F is showing 1520 (ES) on the quote sheet after hours...
                  OK. Today was a relatively light volume day...waitin' on FedSpeak tomorrow.

                  There is a bug regarding one symbol's values bleeding into another sym's, or outright symbol substitution altogether. This has been acknowledged and is on the bug list per Jay.



                  • #24

                    The next time you see YM #F or another symbol displaying a quote after hours in a quote sheet, please add the IsOpen column and note what it says. Also, examine your cleardown settings (menu: View / Preferences / Cleardown); consider clicking the "Use Defaults" button.

                    Also, if CPU remains pegged after closing QCharts, bring up task manager (ctrl+alt+del), and note the CPU use of winros.exe.


                    We are optimistic that a solution for crossed quotes in a quote sheet may have been found; that will be something to test in a 6.1 beta or any re-release of 6.0.


                    - Mike C.

