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zi h8

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  • zi h8

    I am unable to bring up a chart of CBOT:zi h8 all sessions.

    Is anyone else having this difficuulty? All the other all sessions charts. for example zg g8 seem to work just fine.

  • #2
    Hey pearlsdad,

    That symbol is missing in the time mapping file MktHours.INF section that covers CBOT metals. As a result a generic default RTH only 9:30-16:00 time map (no All Sessions defined) is being used.

    As a temp workaround, until the MktHours file is corrected, you can do this....

    1. Open the MktHours.INF file in your QCharts folder with Notepad (and Notepad only).
    2. Locate this line...

    :CBOT:YG##?,CBOT:YI##?,CBOT:EA##?,CBOT:HA##?,CBOT: ZG##?

    3. Add to the end of the line...


    The result will be...

    [be careful to not introduce any spaces at the end of the line]

    4. Do Notepad Toolbar>File>SaveAs the MktHours.INF as MktHours.UNF

    5. A restart of QCharts is required to pick up the UNF.

    Warning regarding UNF's....
    They over-ride INF's in QCharts.
    They will persist forever until manually removed by the user.
    Head's up is required to remove the UNF when the INF has been updated.

    I'll let the PTB's know that "ZI" needs to be added to the system supplied MktHours.INF.
    I'm guessing the change will be in the Christmas Holiday update due out next week sometime.



    • #3
      Many thanks!!

