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Horizontal lines/default

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  • Horizontal lines/default

    Either something is wrong with the charts (I'm running 5.1.) when it comes to loading defaults or I don't understand the process.

    From time to time I find a particular study is missing from one time period charts. For example, I found today that one of the moving averages on only one of my stock's daily chart was mising. I right clicked on the chart and chose load default. The missing study came back. But then many of the latest horizontal lines that I drew on every daily chart of every symbol on my workspace simply disappeared.

    In other words, loading a default a layout on one symbol impacts every symbol on the workspace. Is that's how it's supposed to work?

  • #2
    No, it's not supposed to work that way. When I attempted to duplicate this problem I couldn't get QCharts to wipe out lines as you describe. Are you on the latest version? If so, the only thing I can imagine that would wipe out lines like that is either you accidentally reloaded a whole workspace instead of a layout or something has become corrupted (i.e. the layout or the workspace.) I'm betting the latter has occurred because you mentioned a study was missing from one of your charts.

    You may want to consider loading the workspace again from a back-up or trying to recreate the workspace from scratch.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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