To turn off the candles, first touch the chart in question to highlight it, then go to the Chart Toolbar and click on Line Display. The candles will turn into a line, displaying the close.
If you don't want to see that line, within the price action of the chart, Right Click and you will get a fly-out window: click Format/Colors and the Colors box opens up. Adjust the colors of the Up/Down Bars to the background color of your chart.
You'll note in the pic the Data Window is displayed, however, the price action appears to be empty. That is because it displays in the color of your Up/Down bars and in the sample, they are set to the Background color. In this way, you can still view your Indicators, BB's, mva's, etc., without seeing the price action. Anything that you currently see displayed can also be taken out via the Preferences.
If you want your entire Workspace set up this way, go to Chart/Layout/Set Default. Then, every new chart you open will have the same layout.