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6.0.2 Release Candidate

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  • #16
    Originally posted by hardtaill
    Here's a WS with 11 charts, 10 porfolios, 388 symbols, T&S, Streaming News six chart studies and Single Quote. 6.0.2 During market hours. No options and charts come in pretty fast. I'm also running 5.1 at the same time.

    6.0.2 actually runs faster than .10 and .11 and never crashes. What I need is more data fields in 6.0.2 that are only available in 5.1. I don't really like to run both apps, but throttled info is better than no info. I think the beta is coming along quite nicely.

    Originally posted by WhoLovesYa
    I'm pretty sure someone soon will post its all our systems fault because they are running blah, blah, blah, blah blah and it works just fine.

    See - it only took 24 hours!



    • #17

      As I have suggested before, if you are going to post images please either post GIF or PNG images instead of JPG. JPG images are for images where resolution is unimportant. IMO, JPG images are just a waste of space on this forum because you can't read them in detail.



      • #18

        I found two power-houses in our lab, although they are likely not the same processor setups you have. Here's a screenshot from one of them which is an AMD Opteron dual-processor, dual core (4 cores in all), 64-bit, 4Gb RAM on Vista Ultimate. This seemed to work fine through the last 30 minutes of the close, which was a reasonably high volume period. This was on a large workspace that resembles what many QCharts users use.

        The second PC I tried was only a two processor (single core) Intel 64-bit, and that also ran ok on the same workspace. I'll continue my hunt for a Quad Intel setup... If you can PM me your exact specs (you can find them under QCharts Help --> About --> System Info button,) then I can try to find a PC that is as close as possible.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #19
          In my humble opinion, reading the details is unimportant. What is important is that the beta is working pretty good and is useful for me with the settings that I use on my computers.

          My dual core, my 3.2 and my 1.1 all handle the program nicely which leads me to believe that processor speed is not the important factor here as the three computers are so varied. From the very beginning I have not worried about clock speed or ram, but rather other more important settings which allow the program to work efficiently. What I need is more data that 5.1 gives me, although throttled, and I need it in 6.0.2 as accurately as possible. I believe the team is working as well as can be, seeing as how they've had to take a very complicated system and make it work on Esignal. I also believe that 6.1 and later fomats will work and am looking forward to only having to use one workspace and not have to switch back and forth frequently before the close.

          Ladies and Gentlemen, I trade a very large amount of cash just before the close every day and I wouldn't do it unless I trusted the data and the efficiency of the program. It works for me and it has nothing to do with the boxes as the three that I use are of differing brands and are "off-the-shelf" and they still work fine, but as I have said before, all three are set up to my specifications which obviously has made a difference. It's not just one strange computer or just a fluke.



          • #20
            Jay, thanks for this. I PM'ed you the specs and details. I appreciate your making the effort to get to the bottom of this.

            While the transition is frustrating for many of us here, I do believe that you, Mike and the team can get it fixed. I know that QCharts software is pretty complex and the conversion to eSig data is radical but the data feed does seem more robust, accurate and timely. We will all benefit from the finished product when it is ready.

            Thanks again,


            • #21
              6.0.2 works for me

              Just when I'm about the pull the plug of QC after being a customer since nearly day 1, then 6.0.2 is available. This version is really cooking for me. This is the first good version since 5.1.
              I knew you'd find the solution. 6.0.2 loads FAST and doesn't Crash or hang up every 5 min like previous versions. You're on the right track. Thanks to all for their hard work. I think I'm good for another 10 years of QC. Don't mess with it too much or try to fix it. It works just fine for me.


              • #22
                my problems

                Long time board lurker, first time poster. Thought I'd throw in my two cents, flame me if you need to.

                I am running 6.0.2 on a Core2Duo T5300 with 4GB on 32-bit Vista.

                The issues I've run across, which I'm sure aren't unique:

                1. Program still freezes multiple times throughout the day. Qcharts memory usage per task manager constantly creeps up, program crashes when memory usage hits around 125,000K. Thus, I have to close the program a few times each day; I've never had a day where I've never had to close qcharts. This applies to all versions I've run; 6.0.2 does not solve the problem, at least for me.

                2. When I do close qcharts, sometimes it's still running according to task manager. I have to manually end the process.

                3. When I open qcharts, sometimes I get the blank white screens. I restart until charts load. Sometimes charts take a few seconds, sometimes they load almost immediately. If charts take too long to load, I simply restart until they don't. No changes have been made, other than deleting the temp folder within the program folder, which was a suggestion tech support offered to me via email a while back.

                4. If ver 6 is not throttling data, why do prices sometimes lag by a second or two (sometimes even more) the last price I'm getting from multiple brokers? The broker prices change simultaneously.

                At the end of the day, while 6.0.2 is much improved over previous versions, it still needs work. If you think about it, we're all spending over $1K per year a program that's causing frustration for many.

                Please feel free to pm me with your input if you have run across any solutions to the problems I've listed above.

                Good trading to all.


                • #23
                  freezing solution ?

                  I have a similar freezing problem with another trading program due to cpu cycles and memory.

                  I mostly solved it with process lasso, a free progam from

                  I have not used it on quote com charting program but maybe it will help you

                  Todd P Horton


                  • #24

                    Jay, thanks for the update on 6.0.2. She's workin' good, and although not perfect, does not crash and does not freeze up for more than a second or two. I love trading with it and I appreciate the team's efforts in linking QCharts to Esignal.

                    But, I'm licking my chops in anticipation of having all the goodies listed in the Cleardown under "Select Fields To Clear" tab available for option quote sheets. My wife would have to slap the permanent grin from my face if I were to wake up some day and find a new version available for download with these goodies including the not-listed 65-day average which appears to be missing.

                    Also, please don't forget that we are still having to type in underlying symbols for option quote sheets when reloading them for the second time with a new symbol. Not a big problem, but after using 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 for about ten years, it just seems so strange.

                    One other thing I've noticed, and maybe I'm using the wrong syms, but the Dow, Naz and Nyse Net Volumes are missing from the Market Watch Symbols portfolio. Maybe you could direct me to the correct syms if they are indeed working.

                    Looking forward to having that afore-mentioned grin slapped from my face and, again, I do appreciate all the efforts from the team.



