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Charts not working ...

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  • Charts not working ...

    I've been away from trading for some months ...

    atm Qcharts 5.1 I cant bring up any charts of any index futures ie they are blank.
    stocks are still there ...

    Qcharts 6.02 I can only bring up the daily charts - when I 'attempt' to switch to the min charts it just sits there and does nothing ... I have had this issue before but never where it wouldnt bring up any minute charts (usually just took a bit).

    Also does the newer qcharts have unlimited 60 min charts? or are they only a 6 month peek?

    unlimited backdate is why I use qcharts

    Is there a way to fix the above

  • #2
    atm Qcharts 5.1 I cant bring up any charts of any index futures ie they are blank. stocks are still there.
    1. In a quotesheet, add a "Title" field. Type in your symbol in the Symbol field. Can you get quotes in the quotesheet. The title field may provide a "not found".
    2. In 5.1 click Help>About Session. Does the permissions list indicate you are subscribed to what you're trying to see. There was a change awhile back that requires at least the "Delayed US Futures" package subscription to see Futures.

    Qcharts 6.02 I can only bring up the daily charts - when I 'attempt' to switch to the min charts it just sits there and does nothing ... I have had this issue before but never where it wouldnt bring up any minute charts (usually just took a bit).
    Is INTV in the chart title bar Green or Grey and not Red?
    And then you could just be on a recalcitrant server, with exit/restart the only option.
    Also, could be a subscription thing. I can sometimes get Daily charts but not intraday for Exchanges I'm not subscribed to.

    Also does the newer qcharts have unlimited 60 min charts? or are they only a 6 month peek? unlimited backdate is why I use qcharts
    The extended intraday history from 5.1 is being added to the eSignal servers, and will be there in QCharts 6.1. To my knowledge there is no formal or firm date on that, other than they are working on it now.



    • #3
      thanks for the reply Larry,

      Last thursday or friday things seemed to be working fine ... now they are not (in regards to 5.1)

      ie I am subscribed to the futures data just cant bring it up now in 5.1

      ie my data stops at end of march ie I use the symbol ym.q or es.q
      like I said last thursday the data worked fine now I'm missing a month.

      And in regards to 6.0 - I can bring up the daily chart but when I switch to the min charts it sits there nothing ...


      • #4
        perhaps the 5.1 issue is the same one I had here

        just wierd how it worked fine on friday but today it doesnt have any data for the past month.


        • #5
          Hey DJXput,

          Regarding 5.1...
          Yep, it's the same issue you mention. The CompSyms2 file that stitches together the contracts for the Continuous symbols like ES.Q went back level over the weekend. Has a front month of "H". Until they get the current file on the servers use front month.... ES08M for example.

          Regarding 6.0....
 for me. Can change a Daily chart to an intraday interval and it fills OK. You sure that the INTV is Green when you try that? <grin>



          • #6
            For some reason my Dom Tick was red on my data sheet for 6.1 - I did a reinstall and perhaps this fixed it ... appears to be working atm.

            thanks for looking into this - now to wait for them to fix the front month with 5.1 (love the continous charts with unlimited data)
            Last edited by DJXput; 04-28-2008, 01:18 PM.


            • #7
              Re 5.1 Continuous, I just notified Ops and pointed them to a current copy of the file. Hopefully they will do a new push to the servers of the correct file shortly.

              You are aware that the 6.0 Continuous Daily charts are unlimited, yes? ES #F (ES<space>#F) . But yep, intraday is limited on the continuous #F syms.


