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Workspace Corrupted

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  • Workspace Corrupted

    On a quote sheet I have the symbol AGU represented in the title box as Agrium. When I click on AGU, the chart displays XLB, but the quote sheet in the title box still displays Agrium. I right click go and edit the symbol which displays XLB and replace it with AGU. Click on the quote sheet title for Agrium and XLB is displayed in the chart.

    Any way to fix this?

  • #2

    This is not a something that we're familiar with. You may instread of trying to edit the symbol removed it from the quote sheet and re-enter it. A second suggestion might be to right click and export symbol list , then import it to a new quote sheet in a different workspace and see if you continue to experience this behavior.

    I'll also speak with our QCharts Support Group to see if they are received any type of calls that are similar nature to what you have going on here.

    eSignal Support

