I'm using 6.0.2 and haven't had a problem with options of late. There was a time months ago that I couldn't see an option chain or even see an option quote on a quote sheet. I rarely have that problem anymore. When I do, I restart QCharts and DM and they appear on the next boot. (It used to take at least 6 restarts of QC and DM before I could see options on a quote sheet.) I have had this happen maybe once in a month lately.
I don't use Option Montage because it is so dang processor/memory intensive but just for kicks, I opened an options montage on $NDX and it opened fine. I think the issue is at the server level and I guess I have been lucky enough to get the good servers when eSignal connects me.
I would suggest shutting QC and DM and restarting then trying options chains and montage. Also, keep an options symbol on a quote sheet so you can see at a glance when you start QC whether they will be visible. Once you get them to show up, they will stay with you all day as far as I can tell.
Good luck, with QC we need all the luck we can get! ;-)