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No ETF Data For Wed 11/12/08

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  • No ETF Data For Wed 11/12/08

    I am getting no ETF data for today.

    QLD, SDS, UYG, etc.

    Please resolve.

  • #2
    Most ETF's were on the AMEX exchange and now are being switched to ARCA or NYSE. QLD, UYG and SDS are on the NYSE exchange for QC5 today.

    Last edited by bobscott; 11-12-2008, 11:03 AM.


    • #3
      Thanks for the information Bob. I do appreciate it.

      eSignal and Telechart aren't having any problems though.

      Why shouldn't we expect QCharts to work?


      • #4
        The newer programs are more automated and I believe QCharts has to be manually changed.



        • #5
          Does this mean the rest of them will catch up at some point? The NYSE servers show only two days' worth of data...


          • #6
            In I'm getting full charts by typing:
            NYSE:SDS | AMEX:SDS

            Note the space before and after the pipe symbol. Does that work on your end to get full charts?


            • #7
              I just logged on to QC5 very briefly and I see all NYSE:QLD and NYSE:SDS data on QC5 and only two days for NYSE:UYG. eSignal is probably in the process of moving the ETF data from the AMEX to the NYSE exchange.

              Could someone from eSignal comment on that?



              • #8
                Hey Y'all,

                On Nov 12, a significant number of ETF syms changed from AMEX to NYSE.

                Also other changes over the last couple of weeks. See various press releases at....

                Regarding 5.1, these changes need to be added to the system supplied "merge file" that stitches together the old AMEX data with the new NYSE data for any given symbol. Namely the file CompSyms2.INF. Some updates have been made so far, yet there remains many syms not in CompSyms2.INF as yet. Open up the CompSyms2.INF and notice what's been added recently. They are at the bottom of the file.

                If your favorites are not updated as yet, and if one is so inclined, a local fix can be done. This requires an addition to your local CompSyms.ZNF file. [note: that's CompSyms.ZNF, not CompSyms2.ZNF]

                As an exemplar, here's a couple that I added to my ZNF. The format should be obvious. All one would need to do is copy one of these and change the SYMs and Title. As a personal choice, I like to add (ZNF) to the title field just so I know where the sym is coming from.

                UYG ; NYSE:UYG ; ProShares Ultra Financials (ZNF) ; NYSE:UYG ; NYSE:UYG AMEX:UYG
                SKF ; NYSE:SKF ; ProShares UltraShort Financials (ZNF) ; NYSE:SKF ; NYSE:SKF AMEX:SKF

                Important...use Notepad, and Notepad only to edit QCharts files.

                oh...don't expect all recent changes to magically appear in CompSyms2.INF. You may have to bug 'em to get it in.



                • #9
                  I applied the remedy as specified by tech support on 6.0.2's front end, but it has failed to take. I've opened and re-opened with appropriate time between these actions at least six times.

                  Should I edit some file or restore the file?


                  • #10
                    Same here. I deleted the file and restarted 6 or 7 times (waiting 10-30 seconds on each turn) and the file has not reappeared. Running 6.0.2.


                    • #11
                      Tom and ahhehehe,

                      fwiw, I'm not having an issue with 6.0.2 and the recent ETF changes from AMEX to ARCX. (ARCX in 6.0, NYSE in 5.1)

                      If you look in the subdirectory SigText in your 6.0.2 directory, and open with Notepad, what does the 1st line say regarding Version. Is it ExgTraded Table 1.7 ?

                      Just in case, I've attached a copy of 1.7 (zipped). Unzip and stick it in the SigText folder.

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        It was vers 1.5. Now I've unzipped your vers 1.7. Still doesn't work. Should I delete it and go through the nonsensical routine of opening several times? What's the matter? Can't the machine be expected to read a source file correctly the first time?


                        • #13
                          Give it a couple of restarts, making sure to shut down the DM each exit.
                          [edit add...Don't delete the 1.7 file from SigText]

                          "What's the matter? Can't the machine be expected to read a source file correctly the first time? ~ ahhaha"

                          Ya think? <grin>



                          • #14
                            Still doesn't work.


                            • #15
                              Worked. Took three times. I hadn't been giving it that third time. It was a charm.

                              Thank you.

