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  • 6.0.3

    I downloaded 6.0.3.

    Thing says, "This feature you selected requires a different subscription level...", and then it won't load any of my profoundly deep features like volume. It does tell me I'm Feed 3.

    What's wrong?

  • #2
    If you're on MS Vista, have you done this?


    • #3

      I'm not on Vista. I'm on XP.


      • #4
        OK...well scratch that idea.
        I'm assuming you're on
        If you try redownloading

        and just re-installing over top of the other installation - does that help? (sort of a semi-educated guess here)


        • #5

          It says, "your subscription level is something this version of Qcharts does not know about".

          Then when attempting to exit by clicking the little box with the "x" in it, it catches an error and claims it crashed. Then it wants me to send a state report. Worse than my writes.


          • #6
            This is Beta?

            After presenting the logon screen with my parameters pre-loaded it then deletes the password and prompts me to logon again. Since the first logon attempt failed, it throws an error and prompts with Win-like "send us your tired and poor". No matter. The second logon mercilessly blows that away and presents, "Please logon to the Contiunuum Data Service". You see, it still doesn't know my level, but suspects I'm trying to sneak in under a Live Charts sub, but is willing to negotiate by sending me the continuum feed!

            But it isn't finished quite yet. An error screen comes up blocking every "toy" I have(all 4 of them) including a mean move of disallowing an MA. Finally it implores me to upgrade my Qcharts with the latest version.

            At least with MSFT you can get out with the "x" box.


            • #7
              Ok - another idea -
              Can you please try resetting the defaults on your QCharts?

              Here's how:
              On the login (where you enter your username and password) screen, press F2, and then press the "Load Defaults" button.

              Does that help?


              • #8
                The Final Solution

                Since I've been around the machine over the decades I've developed some good habits like saving install copies in a separate from doc and set Windows folder. I admit I made an error by allowing the install program overwrite 6.0.2 with 6.0.3, but at some point you have to trust. Be that as it may, my final solution is to uninstall this POS and restore 6.0.2. Hope it will work. You never know what clever guys will do in their attempt to make sure you're protected(but not against their need to do good). In particular, 6.0.2 may be precluded from running by some absurd call to a 6.0.3 dll buried in the system32 sub-folder under the cryptic name "hhfgw45632". They're just trying to help...


                • #9

                  Before I re-installed I tried your suggestion. At first it didn't work because one must press the F2 key at the right moment when attempting to logon. Otherwise, the defaults page won't display.

                  I've never seen this config page before, but i can see that its parameters clarify some aspects of running Qcharts.

                  As I mentioned I trust so I tried the F2 routine again, and again. On the third try it worked and now I've got my system back. Thanks for the effort and determination to stay with my problem. If I run into any other anomalies I'll let you know.


                  • #10
                    Just to clarify - if you'll come to the logon screen where you put your username and password, and stop.....then press F2 (without logging in or pressing "Connect")....then you'll be taken to the screen where you can hit the "Load Defaults" button.

                    It's not really a thing that you have to hit F2 while logging in. Just stop on the username/password screen and hit F2 before you even think about hitting connect. There shouldn't be any real timing to it.

                    Anyhow - glad you're back up and running. I'm assuming you're back on 6.0.2?

           really does work. It's not perfect, but I think it's better than 6.0.2 in a lot of ways. You could try installing in its own directory if you wanted to try it again.

                    Over and out for tonight....
                    Last edited by billbled; 01-04-2009, 07:58 PM.

