
No announcement yet. release notes please

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  • release notes please

    To Jay: A release note containing known issues/problems would be very helpful for people sitting on the fence.

    Maybe BillBled, Carol, LAM, carbuff, JR and others who have been trying the latest release candidate(s) can offer up their opinion of the latest RC?

    From scanning the beta forum, it looks to me like there's still significant issues with it. ???


  • #2
    Re: release notes please

    Originally posted by lugnutz
    Maybe others who have been trying the latest release candidate(s) can offer up their opinion of the latest RC?
    The latest release candidate was too problematic for me. I reverted to beta release 1445.




    • #3

      I haven't done the detailed comparisons that others here have done. I've been using 1459 since New Years. So far, it's worked ok for me other than my account flag issue last week (which wasn't related to 1459).

      I stepped up from 6.0.2 to this version. I have 1445 installed also, and that was the first .3 version that I left on my system for more than a day. .2 has worked well for me, and 1459 seems to be working about the same.

      That's not to say there aren't problems, I'm sure there are. I'm just not being affected by most of the things that others are seeing. To be fair, I'm not actively using QCharts a lot during trading hours right now though.

      I will say that I installed 1459 on a work machine that I've NEVER been able to run a version of 6 on. It actually managed to handle running all day Monday without causing me any issues. That machine is much less capable than my normal home machine (it's a 2GHz AMD CPU with 2GB of RAM). I was using a 130-something symbol workspace. I was surprised that it didn't crater my machine, so that was an improvement...

      That's about as much insight as I have, so hope it was helpful in some way...

      PS: This would happen to be a certain lugnutz that owned a really bad ass 67 Camaro would it?


      • #4

        I'm finding some major issues with x1459 - as I have with all the "Beta" releases. Take a look over at the Beta Forum for some of my comments (others are in a private Historical Intraday Forum). Look here

        All in all, from the initial public release of the 6.0 versions in September 2007, the "Beta" has improved over 1000%, and I give Jay & Team a ton of credit for the improvements.

        That being said, there are still issues and each release has cost me various sums of money because of either crashes, WSD, lack of candles being painted or totally incorrect candles painted or my login being hung up and I can't get any intraday charts, etc.

        In the latest x1459, my advice is to pay particular attention to the Preference Multi-Minute Bar's and note the very different picture painted on all symbols/regardless of time frame, between the two radio buttons. Additionally, I have learned to double check everything with my Brokerage page and I had to get a backup charting program that has a good record of correct current prices, although clunky charts.

        Last edited by ckelly; 01-07-2009, 04:05 PM.


        • #5
          Lugz, Jay -

          One other comment, I agree that a Release Notes would be helpful - from my perspective simply because I can't always remember what is on the list, and / or what has been decided to be eliminated from the list.



          • #6
            Hey lugz,

            I've been running 1445, and now 1459 in production as my trading version. I'm able to run all day without crashes. And this is on an 2.4Ghz Intel P4, which QCharts acknowledged has P4 processor specific problems regarding %CPU. Note: nothing wrong with a P4, just something wrong with QCharts on a P4. I never was able to run 6.0.2 during the day due to %CPU pegging. And yes, I have to run a minimal workspace, but at least I can now run 6.0.3 in production.

            The issues I see with weird candles (and as reported by others) are for me either pre or post market, especially after hours and after restart later in evening with all-sessions charts. After 9:30 ET, I'm running OK, well...acceptable. I actively switch symbols from hotlists (a short term up, and a short term down running in quotesheets) and a watchlist into three Green-linked charts...a Daily, midterm intraday, and short term intraday. My fixed charts are mostly indicator charts (QC:tick.nq, QC:advdec.nq,QC:advdecv.nq(all as style histogram with MA1 for pretty's sake), $VIX line chart overlaid with $VXN/$RVX/$QQV). A composite chart of a half dozen indexes in overlay mode. I run only standard intervals. I don't run the GW-TB workspace.

            Give it a try. You don't have to give up what ya got. See Post122370



            • #7
              Thanks so much for the feedback everybody. You guys rock.

              I may try the RC on my backup notebook if I get some time, but will probably leave 6.0.2 as my trading platform on my rocket since it doesn't have CPU performance problems... and bad candles make me nervous.

              Anyone know if the vista install hassle got fixed?

              Thanks again!

              carbuff - did the car do wheelies? Drop me a PM.

