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Mkthours problem for Memorial Day?

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  • Mkthours problem for Memorial Day?

    Am I the only person who is having MktHours.inf type problems because of Memorial Day yesterday? I haven't noticed any reports of it from anyone else today...

    I have empty time-gaps on every timeframe chart for yesterday. This is in This is a fresh install, so I don't have any leftover files that would be conflicting with my .inf file. I've logged off and on several times all throughout the day, and the problem has persisted all day!

    I don't recall how to check which server I'm on or I would, but since I've been trying all day, I would assume I've hit multiple different ones?

    Anyone else?

  • #2
    Hey carbuff,

    Not having an issue here, fyi.
    All of the servers that carry the MktHours file for download to your system have the correct MktHours file.

    In QCharts click Main Toolbar>Help>View Program Directory
    When Windows Explorer opens, set View=Details so you can view Filename.Filetype
    The MktHours.INF file should have in the Date Modified column date 5/21/2009 10:27 AM
    There should be no MktHours.UNF file that could be back-level and will over-ride MktHours.INF

    Are you on Vista? It will hide download of this type of file unless the QCharts/Vista compatibility thingy has been done.

    After doing the compatible setting, sometimes it requires a couple of restarts of QCharts to get things squared away.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thanx Larry,

      My MktHours file is dated 4/13/09, so it seems that it's out of date. I'm running on Win7, not Vista, but I will assume that the same Compatibility mode problem exists.

      Is this problem on a bug-list that is going to be addressed?

      For me, it's a problem to run in Compatibility mode. When I do this, the video drivers for my video card will not allow me to maximize my QCharts window across my multi-screen desktop.

      I just started QCharts in XP-mode, saw the .inf was updated, exited, unchecked Compatibility mode, restarted, and now all is well. Quite a hassle, but at least it worked...



      • #4
        Hey carbuff,

        Glad you're OK now.

        Regarding QCharts plans to deal with the UAC thingy, Jay has mentioned in the past that indeed QCharts needs to be changed. He would be the one to answer where this is at re: development to-do lists.

        So, Jay...any comments?



        • #5
          Why put up with UAC at all regardless of whether QCharts is changed or not? Just install QCharts in some area that UAC does not care about. As the attached image shows, I have created an account called "Non-Admin" which has no Administrator privileges period. Within the "Documents and Settings" of the "Non-Admin" account I have created a folder called "My Applications" and within that a folder called "QCharts Programs". This is the folder where I have installed all versions of QCharts plus QFAI. If you install programs in this manner, UAC and Administrator privileges will not bother you again.

          Best regards,

          Attached Files
          Last edited by bobscott; 05-27-2009, 08:59 AM.


          • #6
            Thanks for checking in on this. Vista and Windows 7 certification is certainly on our short list of tasks to complete. There are a number of components that need to be reoriented in order to become compatible, but once they are completed, QCharts and eSignal will run much smoother and without the need for specific configuration.

            My hope is we can get this done before Windows 7 launch, but as that is still a moving target, it's difficult to accurately predict that. Please do know that we are continuing to work on this.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              If you search the threads on Vista, another simple solution is to give user write permission to the QC install directory after installing. No messing with XP compat mode, no messing with access control foo, etc.


