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  • Qcollector

    I run Tradeworks Software. I have never been able to get the breadthalizer stats through the versions Qcollector Pro, Qcollector Expert. I've had to get them through Qcollector 2004 over these many years. Since this version goes the way of the dinosaur with earlier versions of Qcharts I have a problem downloading these stats. I can get them through .1719, but I can't seem to find the right alphanumeric key-in to download them through, say, the latest version of Qcollector, "Expert".

    I've had discussions with Dave DeLucca who wrote Qcollector and with eSignal tech support. Each claims the problem lies with the other.

    It seems to me if I can get it through the server serving .1719 I should be able to get it through Qcollector because this has always been the case with any other symbol.

    Can anyone help?

  • #2
    Currently, the Breadthalizer symbols are not in the eSignal network natively... even in QCharts 6.1. In build 1719, QCharts connects to a special set of Continuum servers that just process Breadthalizer data. In order to receive that, QCollector would need to connect to those servers via the ContinuumClient.DLL as it once did previously. You'll need to copy the ContinuumClient.ini from QCharts 6.1 into the same location as the ContinuumClient.DLL (in a QCharts version of QCollector) in order to connect to the Breadthalizer-based servers.

    We do continue to work on migrating these symbols fully over to the eSignal network, however in the meantime the above solution should work.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      I don't understand this instruction:

      "You'll need to copy the ContinuumClient.ini from QCharts 6.1 into the same location as the ContinuumClient.DLL (in a QCharts version of QCollector) in order to connect to the Breadthalizer-based servers."

      In particular, what is a Qcharts version of Qcollector? Qcollector in all versions is standalone. Further, it has had no ContinuumClient.dll since 2006 when Qcharts went with the eSignal feed except under a dual feed environment where 5.x versions of Qcharts were run simultaneously with 6.x versions under eSignal. This forced Dave DeLuca to recraft Qcollector to the new eSignal feed which resulted in not having a ContinuumClient.dll in the later versions of Qcollector. For example, Qcollector Pro must run on eSignal's feed.

      When I move the .ini and .dll into the newer versuions of Qcollector the console blocks with the error message,"Data Request for ADVN.NY-QC failed. No data available". I have no such problem if I run the same query on Qcollector which at one time was associated with the Continuum feed of Qcharts version in a way you imply above.


      • #4
        It sounds like you still have QCollector that runs on the Continuum network. What I'm indicating is that if you copy the ContinuumClient.ini file from the folder where QCharts 6.1 is installed and paste the .ini file into the QCollector folder, then you should be able to run that version and download the Breadthalizer data from those special Continuum servers that will remain up after October 26th. In fact, those servers are the only place that the Breadthalizer data will exist after that week.

        For others that may be listening, please note that those special Continuum servers ONLY deliver Breadthalizer data. The regular Continuum servers will definitively be going away at the end of this month.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Ok, I'll try that.

          Are you suggesting the breadthalizer stats will still be available after the 26th? How is that possible? Don't you extract them from the Continuum feed?

          Consider this email I got today from Dave DeLuca:

          Jay is referring to a hypothetical version of QCollector for eSignal that would connect to the old QCharts Continuum network just to get Breadthalizer symbols. Neither QCollector Expert nor QCollector Pro For eSignal will do that now.

          Going by what Jay is saying, you might be able to continue using the old QCollector for QCharts to collect your breadthalizer data even after the old QCharts shuts down.

          We have no plans to add any feature to the eSignal QCollector programs so they can access the old QCharts network, since, as Jay makes clear, all of that data will be migrated over to the eSignal network eventually anyway. So for now, your options are to continue using QCollector for QCharts, wait until the Breadthalizer data is available on the eSignal network, or use whatever substitute ticker symbols eSignal has available now for breadth statistics.


          Dave DeLuca

          Note, "Going by what Jay is saying, you might be able to continue using the old QCollector for QCharts to collect your breadthalizer data even after the old QCharts shuts down". He seems to be affirming what you had said.


          • #6
            Yes, the Breadthalizer data will still be available after October. There are 4 Continuum servers that will remain after that date that are dedicated to calculating the Breadthalizer stats.

            Our original plans was to get the Breath symbols rolled into the eSignal network before the hard date that the legacy Continuum servers had to be discontinued, however that date didn't get met. As a result. we were able to come up with a temporary solution by offering these limited Continuum servers to provide the Breadth data to QCharts 6.1.

            Please let us know how the suggested solution works regarding using the QCollector for QCharts version with the new Continuum servers.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              I pointed the old Qcoll 2 to the 1719 servers and it worked. We'll see if it works on the 26th.

              Thanks for the clarification and transparency.


              • #8

                It still works.Getting $NYA data works but I have to do it in Qcollector Pro which is quite acceptable .NASDAQ which used to be COMPX, and apparently now is ^IXIC, can't be got in QC 6.1 much less Qcollector. Haven't figured out the best NASDAQ representative yet. Got any ideas?


                • #9
                  $COMPQ for Nasdaq

                  eSignal Symbol Directory...



                  • #10
                    mea culpa

                    $COMPQ=COMPQ. That's the symbol I've used. I failed to look in my own file to retrieve it.

                    I've been doing this stuff for so long and have had so many hurdles to overcome, that i have no confidence in anything. It results in not doing the obvious since the obvious has failed so many times, all because others in control of all these systems change them all the time in order to make them better. Thus, experience doth make fools of us all.

                    Thanks L

                    ps. I didn't have to modify continuumini since its long list of servers there includes the pertinent subset, so the system finds which will work by polling. I guess I should go into it and eliminate the non-eSignal servers, but I should defer for fear of enterig the kingdom of fooldom.


                    • #11
                      Re: mea culpa

                      Originally posted by ahhaha
                      ps. I didn't have to modify continuumini since its long list of servers there includes the pertinent subset, so the system finds which will work by polling. I guess I should go into it and eliminate the non-eSignal servers, but I should defer for fear of enterig the kingdom of fooldom.
                      As Jay mentioned, you should only require the 4 servers that are in the QCharts 6.1 ContinuumClient.INI.
                      Make a copy of the cc.ini you are using for QCollector and save it away in case you want to put it back.
                      Copy in the CC.INI from QCharts 6.1.
                      See if that works OK.
                      It will save you some time at initial connection what with not having to run thru a long list trying this and that server before it gets a hit.


