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1719 won't load workspaces or anything

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  • 1719 won't load workspaces or anything

    Anyone having a problem opening the program? When I do so the frame comes up but File ---> Open is greyed out, and there's no charts. No nothin' except tool bars. On the statuts bar it shows "0 symbols / 0 max". When I try File ---> New ---> Workspace in order to find a way around the inability to load a workspace, I get nothing.

    The only anomally inducing occurrence that I can think of recently is an upgrade from 200 symbols to 500 symbols in a belated and false attempt to resolve the breadthalizer problem. I did that yesterday but the program has been always up in the interim.

  • #2
    I have this randomly happen if I attempt to resize my QCharts window while it's connecting to the eSignal and Continuum servers. When it happens, I get the exact same symptoms as you. The greyed out items in the File menu mean that you are not connected to one or the other (or both) of the servers.

    I don't know what would cause the connection process to be interrupted like that when I'm just resizing the window, but it happens to me somewhat regularly when I do it...

    Were you doing anything similar when QCharts was connecting at startup?


    • #3
      Well, you put your finger on the problem. I'm not connecting.

      Evidence: it says, "connecting to eSignal" on the status bar in lower left hand corner. It never gets to connected nor disappears. It remains in that state and that means something is blocked.

      This means either the servers are down, the line is down, or instead of increasing my account to 500 symbols, eSignal cut off my account altogether because they can't stand any more revenue for taxing purposes.

      You really don't want to change anything. When they change it, it will be change enough for the both of you with you doing many wrong things that make the situation worse.
      Last edited by ahhaha; 10-13-2009, 08:19 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ahhaha
        Well, you put your finger on the problem. I'm not connecting.

        Evidence: it says, "connecting to eSignal" on the status bar in lower left hand corner. It never gets to connected nor disappears. It remains in that state and that means something is blocked.

        This means either the servers are down, the line is down, or instead of increasing my account to 500 symbols, eSignal cut off my account altogether because they can't stand any more revenue for taxing purposes.

        You really don't want to change anything. When they change it, it will be change enough for the both of you with you doing many wrong things that make the situation worse.

        Look in the bottom right-hand corner and see if you are Entitled (see pic).

        Lately - say for the past week or so - I also must "X" out and retry multiple times every day to get into the servers. And, as you can see in the pic, this morning is no exception.

        Jay - perhaps you could check on the servers for us?

        Attached Files


        • #5

          The "edit" function is not working this morning - so, another reply.

          It took 19 minutes for me to gain access - that is Entitled - this morning. This morning is not unlike most mornings for the past week or so.

          Could you look into the servers handling login and see if this can be corrected back to the minute or so it usually takes.

          Attached Files


          • #6
            I have been having the same prob for the last 45 min. Log in ok, but everything greyed out and can't open workspace.


            • #7
              issue logging in 1718

              I had the same issue last night around 7:30PM EST for about 30 minutes. I had to "X" out as Carol said about 6 or more times before I finally was connected. This happened to me last week also. Thank you Jay for checking on the issue for us.

              Brenda Cooper


              • #8
                Just now able to bring up charts at 7:55am, had been trying since 6:50am.


                • #9
                  What the heck is going on???
                  I just upgraded to 6.1 and have the same problem. This is totally unacceptable!!!


                  • #10
                    What the heck is going on???
                    I just upgraded to 6.1 and have the same problem. This is totally unacceptable!!!


                    • #11
                      More Entitlements/Entitled Issues.

                      Having the "Entitled" problem with QCharts. Just started this morning. Logging out and back in doesn't seem to far.

                      Having the same problem with QLink. The error there shows as "Entitlements." That started yesterday. Still doesn't work.

                      Jay, would you please post something to update us what exactly is going on here. Silence is not golden in this instance.



                      • #12
                        Still dead in the water...

                        Still can't get past the "Entitled" issue and 15 minutes until open.

                        Would one of you fine chappies there at eSignal mind offering an explanation?


                        • #13
                          You people...

                          Well, half an hour past open and QCharts is still dead.

                          What are you eSignal people thinking?

                          Your service is broken and you don't have the decency to even respond to customer’s queries.

                          Even a simple “we’re on it” would do.

                          Jay, are you listening?


                          • #14
                            We are on it. I'm working with them right now on the cause.


                            • #15
                              You people should know the difference between a beta and a production release. This is ridiculous.

