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Numeric Industry Codes

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  • Numeric Industry Codes

    QCharts has long provided a four digit numeric industry code. The code has existed for all AMEX, NASDAQ, and NYSE common stocks. I've used it to separate common stocks from aggregated securities and to group securities. I've done this for several years.

    I've been unable to find such a code in the new eSignal QCharts. There are descriptive fields for industry and sector under Fundmentals->Corporate, but no numeric code.

    Can anyone help me? If I'm looking in the wrong place, please point me in the right dirction. If eSignal/QCharts has abandoned this service, please point me to where I might find a substitute.

    Thanks for your assistance.

    Peyton H

  • #2
    In eSignal, we've adopted the use of GICS for our sector information but we aren't currently displaying the numeric code for each, just the sector. Codes do exist in the background but I haven't seen a request to display those until now. If we were able to make those viewable in a future version, would that work for your purposes? How did you export and sort this information under QC 5.xx?



    • #3

      Numeric industry code information was in QCharts 5.1. Please refer to the attached .csv file as an example of what I downloaded on a regular basis. Industry code is column E. Industry code is one of a number of data fields that were not carried over from QCharts 5.1, but we have been told that these fields are in the process of being implemented in QCharts 6. Please advise if this is not so because there are a number of fields I would really like to get back in addition to industry code.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        The source for those codes is different on the eSignal network (using GICS) so the codes will be different. I'll have to check with the QC Product Manager to see where the use of GICS codes for use in QC stands.



        • #5

          Thanks for the quick reply. GICS in QCharts would be fine, as long as we have a numeric code of some sort that is standardized, for selection, sorting, etc. I haven't researched the S&P site, but a conversion table from the old QCharts SIC codes to the GICS codes would be great so we could automate the conversion of any old codes to the new ones in any off-line files we have. If you know of a place where there is such a mapping file available I would greatly appreciate knowing how I can get a hold of it.



          • #6

            You asked how I'm accessing industry codes.

            I've been extracting a list of AMEX, NASDAQ, and NYSE symbols from another source, importing them into a Quote Sheet, exporting the fields to a .csv file, comparing the exchange/symbols and industry codes to those of the prior period, and retaining the result for analysis purposes.

            This process picks up new symbols, symbol changes, and exhange changes. In the process, industry codes for current symbols and changes in current symbol industry codes are picked up and retained to attach to symbols during analysis.

            Currently there are around 5500 symbols with (non-zero) industry codes. My history runs back as far as late 2005, and currently includes around 9000 symbols.

            My frequency of update for the history is currently monthly. I last picked up the then current industry codes at 10/23/09. If eSignal/QCharts can restore industry codes in the next couple months, I'd be very pleased.

            Given a map of old and new industry codes, I can certainly make an appropriate conversion.

            Last edited by peytonh; 11-10-2009, 10:35 PM.

