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Options Hiours

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  • Options Hiours

    Options are showing 'round the clock chart times below
    a figure of, and including, 419 minutes.

    Charts configured for higher than 419 minutes appear to
    be ok.


  • #2
    The exchange designator for Options has changed in the feed for ?? reason, and the time-mapper file isn't recognizing the current exchange "P" vs the previous "OPRA".

    Turn off All Sessions in your chart and that will give a better time-map of 9:00-16:00, rather than an overnight map I think you're seeing.



    • #3

      Thank you. Toggling the "All Sessions" does indeed work, but
      why are the charts now acting llike futures, and why is it
      happening only on options?

      Thank you,



      • #4

        Rebooting Qcharts to a different server gives me correct
        option charts. All current and previous days are now just 7.5 hours.



        • #5
          The exchange you and I had for Options was "P" previously rather than "OPRA". Now I see "OPRA" on a exit/restart. Whether or not they have now reverted to exchange designation OPRA on all servers, or it's a luck of the draw whether currently one would get a P or maybe an OPRA is unknown by me at this time.

          Add an Exchange field to quotesheet to know what one is on.

          The futures type of mapping in All Sessions if on P is due to a time-mapper file that doesn't recognize exchange P and reverts to a default mapping of RTH (All Sessions OFF) time of 9:00-16:00, and an ETH (All Sessions ON) time that runs overnight and looks like futures mapping.

          oh...btw...what you're seeing is 6hrs 40min now....the normal "OPRA" mapping of 9:30-16:10.



          • #6
            Thank you, Larry.

            As you say, it is the luck of the draw.

            It doesn't seem to make any difference if I use "false" instead
            of "true", and then designate my own preference.

            It is truly a hit or miss on mulitiple reboots.

            Option volumes for the last two days have also been
            hit or miss and they don't fill in unless there is
            current activity on a particular option.



            • #7

              The True vs False setting has to do only with the handful of "Continuum" servers that were retained for QCharts 6. Their function is to supply Breadthalizer data only.

              The data for stocks, futures, options, etc come from eSignal data servers. We have no control over the data servers we get connected with in QCharts 6. Nor can we switch servers. What one sees in ctrl-alt-N is the Continuum servers only. Same goes for the eSignal product regarding control of server connectivity, fwiw.

              As a little fwiw tip...
              Often if one does an exit of QCharts and an immediate restart, one will be connected with the same set of servers as before. If possible, waiting a bit... 30sec or a minute if possible... to clear a Timed-Wait state on those connections will increase the odds of getting different servers on the next start.



              • #8

                Thank you for the info.

                That is what I was doing - rebooting immediately after
                having blank volumes columns and 24-hour option charts.

                I hope it gets fixed soon.



                • #9
                  There's an updated MktHours file available at FileShare that has the "P" added to the "OPRA" section, and will give the normal chart mapping whether or not one is connected with a P or OPRA server.

                  Click this link to download MktHours.UNF. Put it in your QCharts directory.

                  The usual MktHours.UNF warning...
                  A MktHours.UNF will override the regular MktHours.INF
                  The UNF will persist in your QCharts directory forever.
                  No automatic process will remove it.
                  It must be deleted manually by the user.
                  If the UNF is not deleted come the next INF holiday update,
                  then there will be chart gaps since the UNF will not have
                  the new holiday coding.



                  • #10

                    Thank you, again, for the Market UNF file, and it has fixed
                    the 24-hour problem, but we are still without volumes in
                    our option quote sheets.

                    This should be an easy problem to fix seeing as the other
                    usual data is available. Rebooting, at over one and two-minute
                    intervals, hasn't helped get the volume data for options.

                    Any help with this would be appreciated.



                    • #11

                      Regarding Volume that's gone missing, I don't have a workaround for that.
                      I don't know for a fact what's up with that.
                      I suspect it has to do with server side changes going on in preparation for the forthcoming Options Symbology Initiative change.

                      Someone from Support should comment on the Volume issue.


