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X1819 Splits not designated

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  • X1819 Splits not designated

    EBIX split 3:1 yesterday, however, the charts simply look like an huge gap down on the Intraday Charts. I think I recall QC won't split adjust the Intraday Charts, but, it would be nice to again see the split designation (ie, "3:1") on the charts.


  • #2
    Hey CK,

    Happy New Year.
    Yesterday, although the Daily Charts were price adjusted, the split had not wound itself through the system into the CorpActs splits file to price adjust the intraday bars. But today, I'm seeing it OK.

    So, the question is why didn't you pick up the new CorpActs file? Need a double exit/restart to get the pieces in place for CorpActs, the same as mentioned in that other thread about the holiday MktHours file.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thanks, Larry -

      After log-out/in 3 times this afternoon (and twice earlier this morning), now my EBIX is properly splt adjusted.

      An interesting note: I do NOT have either of the files you listed (MktHours.UNF or CorpActs.UNF)



      • #4
        Hey Carol,
        The UNF files are put there by the user for specific purposes. The servers download the INF files. So you should not have the UNF files unless you have manually put them there.


        • #5

          Bledsoe and I have been discussing the double exit/restart requirement. That "should" suffice. However, darn it all, the anecdotal and as yet not-pinned-down evidence is indicating restart/restart/restart/etc sometimes to get the suckers downloaded. So, sumthin's happening that's strange.

          A little confused on the UNF comment. I'm talking about only the vanilla .INF files, not the over-ride UNF files.



          • #6
            Thanks, Bill & Larry, for the UNF clarification.

            Here's where the confusion came from (see pic).

            Attached Files


            • #7
              After seeing properly adjusted for the 3:1 split on EBIX for 2 days, this morning, the old file is magically back in there.


              EDIT: Just for clarity: I have logged out/in about 4-5 times and I have deleted the MktHours.inf & the CorpActs.inf files. No Joy.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by ckelly; 01-08-2010, 04:46 AM.


              • #8
                So why is the EBIX split not being properly reflected on charts with a time frame of less than daily and why does it not have the split indicator showing up on the charts?

                I did a forum search on "split" and came up with this thread ( that discusses splits. One of the symbols is UTHR. I plugged in UTHR on my charts and it shows up with a 2 for 1 split indicator on daily, but not weekly charts. The 2 for 1 split indicator also shows up on 3 intraday charts I checked.

                BTW, I am running release on 64 bit Windows 7 and my CorpActs.inf is date-time stamped as 1/6/2010 @7:54 PM. I added a .old extensions to the one already there, which had the same date-time stamp, and the one loaded with the next restart of QCharts downloaded the same file.


                • #9
                  O.K., so I scanned the CorpActs.inf file for EBIX and did not find any entry for the split date, 1/5. I created a CorpActs.unf file and added a 1/5 entry, by moving the 1/3 entry from October 10, 2008 (wonder why it's there?!) to 1/5.

                  After restarting QCharts, I noted that the 3 for 1 split indicator shows up on the charts for 1/5, but the prices have not changed. This leads me to believe we have a server side data issue here.

                  Can someone from QCharts technical support please confirm or deny this? We are paying a fair amount of money each month to have accurate and up to date data.

                  BTW, EBIX behavior is exactly the same using both and


                  • #10
                    To whoever fixed EBIX, thank you. Latest date-time stamp on CorpActs.inf is 2010/01/08 @ 10:04 am. EBIX entry for 01/04 has been added and the charts, both daily and intraday show the split indicator and the correct prices.

                    It sure would be nice to know what was causing this behavior.


                    • #11
                      HI Dan,
                      I'm assuming you logged out and back in to pickup the new CorpActs file? How many times did it take?


                      • #12
                        Hey Bill,

                        It only appeared to take one time loggin in for the new CorpActs.inf file to update.

                        Any thoughts on whether the chart price display problem was, in fact, a server side issue?



                        • #13
                          Bill & Dan -

                          Ok, I tried logging out/in another few times again. I deleted the MktHours.iinf and the CorpActs.inf files - again.

                          Sure am glad for Dan that he's seeing EBIX properly split adjusted, but, no joy for me.

                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            You also have to delete the tab files from SigText. So to really clear CorpActs for example, you have to log out of QC and the DM and then delete (from the SigText folder) AND CorpActs.inf (from the QC install folder).

                            The INF file is made from the TAB file. The TAB file is downloaded from the servers.

                            Then, once you do this - you MUST restart QCharts twice. The first time you log in, you get the new TAB file downloaded. Then you log out.

                            Then the second time you start, you get the new INF file created and you should be good to go.

                            The two start thing is important. It's critical. That's the reason it's the last steps of my "clean and scrub" procedure:
                            Last edited by billbled; 01-08-2010, 09:20 AM.


                            • #15
                              Hey Dan,
                              Any thoughts on whether the chart price display problem was, in fact, a server side issue?
                              Working on that. It seems to be that some users aren't getting the updated file, which is the one that leads to the creation of the CorpActs.inf file.

                              Sometimes, with some users, it seems to take several "logout/login cycles" to get the new CorpActs. The file is good about being kept up with current split info, but if your QCharts don't get the file, then it's obviously not much good.

                              I would say this to anyone who is not getting the correct splits in their QCharts - first, I'd recommend that they are up to date on the software. Personal preference - I do my "complete scrub" procedure on upgrades: - yes, some will not agree with doing all that - but like I said, it's a personal preference. I want the cleanest install possible. A key part of that procedure is at the end, you MUST do the "two start" thing with QCharts after the install is done. It's important.

                              Then, if the splits issue persists, I'd call support (510-785-1254) and get them to look at what server connections you have. AGAIN, please make sure you've logged out of QCharts and come back in twice. That's how the CorpActs.inf file gets created from the file that is downloaded from the servers and lives in the SigText folder. It's an important step, this multi-log in issue.

                              But if you still are not getting correct splits, it's possible that you're not getting the correct file downloaded to you and they'll need to check the server logs to see which you are connecting to in order to research that.

                              Alternatively, you can email in to support at [email protected] and give us your QCharts username and the time you saw the problem and we can check the logs from that.

