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QC 6.2 won't start

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  • QC 6.2 won't start

    Running 6.2 recently with *relatively* no issues. Usually have to restart the program if I load a new workspace in order to "clear" flat-lined bollinger bands.

    After running 6.2 all day, now I can't restart the program, get a "application has encountered a problem and will be terminated...." when attempting to restart. Same error message when attempting to run 6.1.1757.

    Restarted the computer and have the same issue. Any ideas outside of re-installing QC?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    The technicals on what happened are being sorted out, but from what I've seen in dealing with several users today is that if you're hit with this "error scenario" the easiest and quickest way to get back up and running is the clean install:

    I've been trying different tactics depending on what I've seen in different user's installation folders and I think the easiest thing is to just do the re-install in the procedure above.

    After you do the reinstall - remember to restart QCharts TWICE and also remember the KB article if you're on Vista / Win7.


    • #3
      Hey Folks,
      We've been discussing this issue today, and Todd came up with the idea of renaming the SigText folder and then running the installer. I've been able to try that with some users on the phone this evening and it seems to work very well.

      If you are clicking "Connect" and instantly going to the "Application has encountered a problem and will be terminated" error form and having QCharts quit - then please try this....

      1- Close QCharts and the Data Manager and log out.

      2- Navigate to the QCharts installation folder, which is usually C:\Program Files\QCharts\

      3- Find the folder called SigText inside of there.

      4- Rename it to be SigText_old

      5- Go here and download the installer:

      6- Run the installer and install the software accepting the defaults. This will make a new SigText folder and install the software over your existing installation. You won't lose your workspace(s).

      7- Finish the installation and launch QCharts and log in. Open one of your workspaces. Now shut QCharts & the Data Manager back down.

      8- Wait two minutes and launch QCharts a second time. (There's a technical reason for the second launch - it matters).

      9- Then open your workspace back up and you should be good to go.

      10- Navigate back to your install folder (C:\Program Files\QCharts\) and delete the "SigText_old" folder.

      As always, if you have continued problems, please contact support:
      Last edited by billbled; 01-14-2010, 07:04 PM.


      • #4
        For all the folks who can't get QC to run on Vista - I've had the same problem and the simple fix for me was to add one more click to "Run as administrator."

        Go to the Desktop QCharts icon and give it a Right-click; select Shortcut/Advanced and then check Run as Administrator.

        Hope this helps.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by ckelly; 01-15-2010, 06:06 AM.


        • #5
          Appology to the community for the large post (prior). However, what I am 'inputting' truly is MUCH smaller than what appears in the forums. What I see in my .gif is less than half the size of what appears today.

          This happens from time to time. If anyone can offer a solution, I'll sure be glad to implement.



          • #6
            Email sent.


            • #7
              Thanks, Bill -
              irfanView downloaded and I'll learn it, too.

              In the meantime, I've edited the post pic (cut it in half) for everyone's ease of viewing.

