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Daylight savings problem?

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  • Daylight savings problem?

    My chart just began populating at 7:00 PM ET, one hour late. I spent an hour doing the whole delete and reboot hoop-jumping.

    Hope (mine) springs eternal, I guess. When in fact, bad habits (yours) never die.

    Seriously, foks. I know it only happens twice a year, but must know that it does happen twice a year. Did the keepers of the data feed forget to adjust the servers' clocks forward?

  • #2
    Is no one else experiencing this issue?

    Is no one else experiencing this issue?


    • #3
      I have data between 1800 and 1855 hours (on 5 min chart, all sessions). Then there is a gap between 1900 and 2000 hours. At 2000 hours, charts start filling again. Odd. Seeing this gap on NQ, ES, CL, HG, GC, and DX continuous contract. Didn't look at other open markets. All times eastern.

      I am running version



      • #4
        Larry and I were looking at this earlier and are investigating. Don't have anything to offer on the gap yet, and it may be tomorrow before we find out.


        • #5
          Tom & David,

          I left my QC running overnight to avoid DST issues today. Saw your posts as I was ready to close up tonight so I took a pic and then rebooted.

          As you can see, prior to rebooting, I was getting All Sessions candles painted properly on the futures (NQ shown, also looked at ES, with same results).

          After rebooting, you can see the 18:55 & 19:50 candles are missing.

          I know Jay's been working on this issue

          So, maybe I just got a bad server?

          See pics,
          Attached Files
          Last edited by ckelly; 03-14-2010, 07:59 PM.


          • #6
            Our developers are looking into the cause of this gap that appeared on today's Globex charts. This does appear to be a different set of symptoms than in previous years, but we will know more once we dig into the code. More to follow as we uncover it.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              I'm looking at my broker's ES quotes right now and I don't see any gaps like the ones that are in QCharts (rel. 1863). Additionally, their candles seem to be slightly different than QCharts beginning with the open of the Sun. session. All day Friday, everything tracks exactly the same. This is on a 5 minute chart, BTW.


              • #8
                Could it be any simpler?

                My original post pointed out that bars started printing one hour after the open.

                I also mentioned the daylight savings thing.

                And I alluded to years upon years of almost every holiday, etc. that somehow requires deleting the market hours files, etc.

                Put them all together and... and... work on it tomorrow after the open?

                By the way, if the problem is ever fixed, please gear your instructions to those of us that don't program for a living.


                • #9

                  As with last Sunday night, the data feed's integrity is another disaster.

                  My first tick on every market appears at 18:09. I suppose last Sunday's full hour without a print was worse. But, hey, the night is young!

                  Out of curiosity, what exactly constitutes a "priority" to QCharts' programming staff?

                  p.s. Yes, I've re-booted after deleting the mkt ini and continuum files, temp folder too.


                  • #10
                    Yep, the CME Equity Index syms (ES, NQ, etc) started at 18:08 U.S.A East Coast DST.

                    fwiw, this isn't a QCharts programming issue, or a DST issue.
                    Rather it's the eSignal CME Globex feed for Equity Indexes.
                    The feed was slow getting out of the gate.
                    The same late start is in eSignal 10.6.

                    There are other CME Globex syms that kicked off OK at 18:00.
                    For example, the Currencies (6E Euro, etc), Energy (CL Crude, etc), Metals (GC Gold, etc).

                    This happens every now and then...late starts in the feed for various reasons.



                    • #11
                      Aren't eSignal and QCharts now done by the same development/maintenance team? If so, they should be on top of this issue. Frankly, with the large subscriber base of eSignal I'm surprised that server issues are not more promptly resolved.


                      • #12
                        Hey Dan,

                        Just to be a little picky here...the folks that do development/maintenance on the QCharts and eSignal "application" programs are a whole different set of folks from the people that do Networking and data server development/maintenance.

                        And sure, having the databases and networks that receive exchange activity and distributes data to the various application programs being immaculate would be a worthy goal.



                        • #13

                          Point well taken as to the split in system responsibilities. That being said, at some point in the hierarchy, one person should be responsible for both server side and client side development/operations/maintenance. That person, IMHO, needs to work on better coordination. I guess I am looking for the eSignal/QCharts system to be at least as good as the data feed and charting provided by my broker. So far, this has not quite proven to be true.



                          • #14
                            Re: me...You're preachin' to the choir.



                            • #15
                              Hey Dan (et al.),
                              If you haven't subscribed to the data forums, it may be worthwhile to do so. It won't "fix" data problems, but at least you'll have a clue that something is up. Like tonight, when they posted about the CME issue:

                              If you were sub'd to that forum:

                              you'd have gotten that email just like you do when someone posts here.

                              Here is the main network & exchange status forum link:

                              Then you can pick and chose your sub's from there.

                              Hope that helps - for those that didn't know this already.

