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QCharts White Screen

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  • QCharts White Screen

    Since Friday of last week, I'm suddenly getting white screens especially during the first hour of trading. I'm using Build 422. It makes it impossible to trade when you can't see the futures or any chart on what you're trying to trade.

    Every time I click on any symbol, the screen freezes and then goes to a white screen for several seconds. I thought it might resolve on its own, but this is happening every day. Eventually, it starts to act normally but well past where my potential trades have moved beyond where it's a good risk/reward. Logging out, waiting, and logging in does not help. I have Windows XP Pro SP2.
    Karen McMahan

  • #2
    Hi Karen,
    What's inside the box (specifically)?
    What CPU?
    What amt of RAM?

    If it's a Dell, HP, Compaq, Gateway, etc - what specific model number computer is it?


    • #3
      Hi Bill:

      Actually it's XP SP3, not SP2.

      I have a Dell Dimension 9200 with Intel Dual Core processor 6300 at 1.87GHz and 2.75 GB of RAM. I've looked at Windows performance indicator, and I'm not maxing out the physical memory. CPU usage varies between 2% to around 50%. Don't know if that helps. As I said, this just started happening late last week. I've not changed anything.

      Karen McMahan


      • #4
        Hi Karen,
        That sounds good. How did it run today? Better? The same?

        Have you tried clearing the temp files and then running QC again?
        Log out of your QCharts and navigate to your QCharts install folder (usually c:\Progam Files\QCharts\) and delete the TEMP folder that you will find in there. Then log back in. Does that help?


        • #5
          Hi Bill,

          Nope! About 9:28 am, it started the white screen business again. Sometimes it lasts for 2 or 3 minutes, comes back, but the moment I try to click on something, it blanks out again. Then around 10:20 or 10:30, it seems to do it less. As the day wears on, it progressively seems to improve. What I've noticed is the higher the volume overall, the more it acts up.

          But I'll try the clearing the temp files and see how it runs tomorrow.

          Karen McMahan


          • #6
            Hi Bill,

            Okay, I've tried the deleting temp files twice, rebooting the computer, loading up QCharts again. This morning, it was working beautifully until 9:28 AM, then crash and burn. I waited for 8 minutes to see if QCharts would generate its own crash report. Nope. So I had to use the Windows "end program" trick. Deleted temp files, rebooted, got back into QCharts. I load always without a workspace loaded. The moment I click on my workspace, or any workspace to open, it begins to load, then blanks to a white screen. When I click into any area of the white screen, I get a "not responding" at the top of the screen. This is getting VERY old.

            Karen McMahan


            • #7
              Hi Karen,
              Can you forward a copy of the workspace to tech support at [email protected] ?


              • #8
                Hi Karen,
                Your workspace is crashing me too.
                I'd try restoring from a backup.
                Like this:

                Please let me know if that helps.


                • #9
                  Hi Bill:

                  Wanted to give you an update. I'm using the backup workspace using the "less accurate" candle setting not most accurate. It still blanks out sometimes for a few seconds but comes right up again. Interestingly, it still does great except right at the market open and the first hour of trading.

                  Will continue my troubleshooting. I have a workspace from 1 month ago that I'll try tomorrow morning at the open just to compare.

                  Karen McMahan


                  • #10
                    How has it been going?


                    • #11
                      Hi Bill:

                      As long as I don't use the "accurate" candle setting, it seems to do pretty well.

                      Karen McMahan

