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QCharts vs E-Signal

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  • QCharts vs E-Signal


    Has anyone tried E-Signal's software? If so, how does it compare to QCharts? The price seems to be almost the same, but I was wondering if E-Signal offers the same features, performance, etc.



  • #2
    Hi Daniel,

    I also would like to know if anyone has tried E-signal vs Qcharts. I did download the 30 day free trial for E-signal but I can't get it to run. Has anyone been able to run both ? There seems to be a conflict with Qcharts installed.

    Thank you,
    Brenda Cooper


    • #3
      I think you'd find fans in both camps but eSignal has a much larger base of customers, if that's of interest. There are some differences but we are on the path of incorporating the best of both platforms as we move forward.

      There are entitlement controls so if you have a QCharts acct, you can't run eSignal and vice versa. If you sign-up for a trial, you should be able to have both on the same PC but can only run one at a time (as they share the Data Manager).

      In terms of more comparison info, lots of our users have tried both platforms so I think user feedback would be of the most value.



      • #4
        There's a lot of video content about eSignal here:

        scroll down to the "New User Training Session" stuff. It'll give you a good idea of how the software runs.

        Here's a feature list:

        One of the biggest differences in eSignal is the ability to make your own custom studies via the EFS language. Gives you a lot of choices you just don't have with QC right now.

        I'd encourage you to check out the links above and see what you think.


        • #5
          Thank you Bill and Scott for your replies.

          Bill, the links you posted were very useful. I wanted to try both packages just to be able to compare how they fit with my trading style, but unfortunately for E-Signal, I had to signup for a different account and even though it is 30-day trial it is not free. You have to pay and then you can cancel within 30-days and get you money back.

          It sounded like too much trouble for just testing purposes so I think I will just stick with QCharts for now.

          Like Scott mentioned, if anyone had actually used it, I would love to hear their exparience with the E-Signal package.

          Best Regards,



          • #6

            I've used eSignal.
            Both eSig and QCharts have their pros and cons.
            Different folks can have wildly different sets of requirements.
            My personal take on the two products is a function of my requirements, and only that.

            Really, the best thing to do, imho, is get the trial account.
            But be clear before doing so that you are willing to set aside substantial committed time to give it a real tire kickin'.
            30 days can slip away in a hurry.

            Originally posted by dragnev

            Like Scott mentioned, if anyone had actually used it, I would love to hear their experience with the E-Signal package.
            Best Regards, Daniel


            • #7
              Thanks Larry,

              I guess you are right. It is all about everyone's personal style and requirements.

              I will give it a try when I have more time.

              Best Regards,


