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QLink 2 50-Bar Limit?

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  • QLink 2 50-Bar Limit?

    I’m in the process of transitioning to QLink 2 and I am running up against a 50-bar limit for intra-day data. My studies cover multiple symbols and time intervals. All are truncated at 50 bars. There are no problems with the same studies in QLink 1. Is anyone else seeing this problem?

    Jay, since we are fast approaching the execution date for the Continuum data feed, would you mind bringing me up to date on where you are with the current iteration of QLink 2 (as it doesn’t seem quite ready for prime time compared to QLink 1) and where you are planning to take the software?

  • #2
    I'm not aware of any fixed 50 bar limit, but perhaps you are running into a bug here...

    Regarding the future of QLink, we are looking at implementing a new RTD-based solution in ~Q1 of 2010. It will have many more features, and uses a different, more advanced, code-base for its implementation of streaming data from our network. Our goal is to have a similar interface to QLink, yet bring a lot more power and flexibility that RTD offers (e.g. cell referencing.)
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Server load balancing?


      Thanks for getting back to me.

      I did some testing all day yesterday and then this morning.

      I reopened the studies every hour on the hour throughout the day. What I found was that from 1/2 hour before the market open through the market close the studies were limited to 50-bars and outside of that window the studies reopened (rather crisply, I might add) with the full data for the respective study (some use more data than others).

      So, it appears to me to be some kind of load-balancing issues with respect to the server connections.

      Are QLink users second-class citizens with respect to access to your server resources?

      Also, this morning my QLink Settings dialog is showing a yellow warning for the Entitlements indicator. This is the first time I have seen that happen.

      Do you have any ideas on what might be going on here?


      • #4

        Could you clarify what some of the exact DDE formulas are that you are seeing this problem with? Without knowing the exact calls you are making with QLink, it makes it more difficult to reproduce with any accuracy.

        Also, can you verify what version of QLink you are using?
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          QLink Information.


          You bet. The QLink version is 2.0 Build: 1663 Date: Jul 21 2009. I have attached a live Excel spreadsheet containing data from this morning that shows a 121 row array with 49 rows of data filled. I have also valued the array so you can see what I am seeing if for some odd reason the system chooses to fill the live array on your end when you open the spreadsheet.



          • #6
            Preview No Upload.


            Sorry about that. I guess the preview function deletes attachments. Anyway, let me know what additional information you want.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              Update on updates.


              I had the 60-minute data finally fill at the 9:30AM MT reopen and the 10-minute data fill at the 10:00AM MT reopen. I've taken to reopening the spreadheet on half hour intervals to try to give you some additional information.

              Please try to get this sorted before the 26th. As it stands, I can still run QLink 1 and not impact my trading. However, if QLink 2 is not working after the cutoff then I will be out of it were.



              • #8

                Just tried your spreadsheet out and the spreadsheet filled completely (see pic). This is seeming to match up with a known QLink bug of inconsistent bar retrievals. We do have this in our bug database, and are hoping to get more time on QLink in Q1 (after the Options Symbology change is behind us.)
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #9
                  I'm having a similar issue on an intra day 5 min. For one stock it loads for 3 or 4 days for another, same formula it only loads for a couple days.

                  Sooner you can address it the better from my point of view.

                  Thanks in advance.


                  • #10
                    Entitlements issue again...

                    Just wanted to let you know that the Entitlements Connectivity State indicator on my QLink 2 Settings dialog is showing yellow (rather than green) again.

                    It still seems to be feeding data though.

                    The only change was that I upgraded QCharts to the 1757 release per the "notice of impending doom" posted on the Welcome page this morning.


