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Really Basic Question

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  • Really Basic Question

    I don't do this, but decided that I wanted to import prices into Excel 2007 (Windows 7) from eSignal. I tried WINROS and it worked, but then stopped working (using =winros|Last!JNJ). I updated the links and the permissions in Excel. Is it no longer valid, and replaced by QLink?

    I just need one or two prices per security for my Excel spreadsheet. Thanks.

  • #2
    While QLink is our improved tool for spreadsheet integration, traditional DDE links should still work. I just tried your DDE link and it worked fine on my system. You might want to try restarting eSignal and see if that helps. Otherwise, I'd give us a call so we can troubleshoot more directly with you.



    • #3
      I tried QLink and like it a lot. However, I really need cell referencing. Maybe I'll just go with the beta version as my requests are pretty simple. How stable is the beta version?


      • #4
        It now uses RTD technology which is already in use in another platform and works well. It appears the 3.0 beta is pretty stable. Not much noise either way thus far.



        • #5
          Thanks, Scott. I'll give it a try.

          Do you have a target date for the v3.0 release? If not, how do you know when it has been released? Again, thanks.
          Last edited by Rla1js; 11-04-2010, 06:27 AM.


          • #6
            The quickest way to get notified when QLink 3.0 goes gold would be to subscribe to the thread announcing the beta:

            You'll see an option "subscribe to this thread" at the bottom so you'll get email updates when a new post is made.

            Also, if you are subscribing to QLink, we will notify customers directly when it's available, although we usually wait a few days after it's been posted to the web.



            • #7
              Have you also exited winros (data manager), exited excel, reopened winros, reopened your spreadsheet, and then updated the links? (I ask b/c there's a longstanding bug in the dde implementation, where it stops updating under several scenarios: for example, if there is a brief interrupt to the network connection or if you switch to using a backup internet connection, then usually the dde hot links will no longer update. actually in the last case, data manager also will stop receiving because it sees the new connection as a second & unauthorized connection, rather than as a single connection that was switched over after a disconnect.)


              • #8
                I think that was the problem. Thanks for the note. I switched to QLink, however, since it allowed me to do some things that I wanted to do. The new version will also be easier to deal with in Excel and, so far, seems to have avoided the winros problems.

