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Problems with intraday data

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  • Problems with intraday data


    I am using a system with Win 7 64bit and MS Office 2010.
    First of all, I want to say that the new QLink works much better for me than the old one. Nevertheless, I am still facing some problems.

    I download a variety of data with a daily intervall which works usually fine. Now I want to download FX data (delayed) with an intervall of 60 minutes and after trying for hours now, it does not seem to work at all. The result in most cases is a Windows message that "Qlink does not work any more". After a short time period, the QLink application will be forced to close.
    During my tries, in couple of cases, data came, but then the last time stamp was from last day's closing (in today's case Friday 23:00). Nevertheless, the last price was changing constantly as if it would be the current 60m-bar.

    Could you please help me.

    Thank you

  • #2
    Hello again

    I am not sure if it is related to my post yesterday, but now (at least for now) it's working.

    Very good...


    • #3
      Sorry, just a lucky punch.

      It worked one time for one currency. When I tried to download the next one, QLink disappeared and nothing happened.
      After starting QLink again and having Excel still open, the mentioned error message (my first post) appears again and QLink is shut down...


      • #4

        Can you post some examples of the calls you are making or zip up a sample spreadsheet and attach it to a reply?
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          zip up a sample spreadsheet and attach it to a reply?
          Attached Files


          • #6

            Thanks for the file, works good in 2007 I'm trying to find a copy of 2010 so that I can check it there as well. I'll post back once I have more information.


            • #7
              Could I have a feedback, please.

              Today I tested the issue again with

              1. Win7 64b & Office 2010
              2. Win7 32b & Office 2003

              When I try to download EUR A0-FX intraday data, QLink crashes every time.

              Since this issue exists for a while now, it would be highly appreciated, if one could get some feedback regarding this...



              • #8
                I apologize we didn't have a version of Microsoft Excel readily available to do the testing.

                However on my home laptop I was able to download the trail version of Excel 2010 and using QLINK 3.0 with Office2010 32 bit and here are the findings.

                The first test was with my own credentials, and I had not issue with getting the data into the spreadsheet. To better duplicate your issue
                I also tested using your credentials. On the first run I did have an issue with getting the data only for EUR A0-FX. I added IBM to the spreadsheet and it populated, and then I added the AUD and it populated. I re-entered the EURO and it populated as well.

                Thinking it might be an entitlement I rebooted the computer and tried the test a second time. Starting with EUR A0-FX, this time it popluated almost immediately and so did the other symbols.

                So we've ruled out that it's not a username or entitlement issue, and it works find on the Window 7 & Excel 2010 32 bit systems.


                • #9
                  Hello Avery

                  thanks for the feedback. But this is really strange. Every time I try it (and I just did it again), a message appears that QLInk is not working anymore and is forced to shut down. And as I said, I tried it now on different PC's with different OS and different Office versions. And it works with no combination (and to make sure I am only talking about intraday data. EOD-data works fine with my system and certainly better than with the old QLink). Therefore, just to make sure, you have tested also with intraday data ?

                  The error messages which I get, when I allow Excel to search for a solution are the following (see the attached pic). Maybe your programmers can have a look into this...
                  Attached Files

