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Extermely slow update of tick data in GlobalServer with TS2000i plugin - help ?

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  • Extermely slow update of tick data in GlobalServer with TS2000i plugin - help ?


    I want to have historic data and intra-day data.

    I have added 2 years of historic data and Iam updating that now on a broadband connection.

    There are 700 futures contracts because it has included all the historical data.

    1. Once the historical data is downloaded, I assume this download will be much quicker ?!

    2. Does the globserver automatically download intraday data when I bring up a chart in Trade Station ? It appears that I have to manually select 'Download from Esignal'. Surely this is not the case, as it would be useless for DayTrading ?

    Any help much appreciated

    Kevin R
    Kevin Raggett

  • #2
    1. Once you have downloaded all the historical data then maintenance updates should be a lot faster.

    2. Yes it does IF it is set to Work Online and the symbols are all set to Connected. FYI GlobalServer is just a database manager that on one side downloads the data from the data feed and stores it and on the other feeds that data into TradeStation. You need to realize that TS2k by itself is not an on-demand type of product like for example eSignal where you open a chart and it downloads the necessary data directly from the feed.

    Again though, may I suggest that you spend some time going through the Help files of GlobalServer which will provide you with all the information as to how TS2k/GlobalServer work


    • #3
      Alex - I have read some of the help files but what is happening makes no sense

      Hi Alex,

      OK, I downloaded all the data and the list includes no information about contracts currently trading.

      1. Why ? Well, I assume I have to put in a date beyond today's date BUT that makes no sense either as today's date includes open contracts !

      2. Even if I cannot plot current contracts (I'll trade well with that kind of information ..................... ) I should be able to plot a historical chart surely ?

      So for example I have in my list of contracts the following :

      a) BP/US$ 9/16/2002 (YP U2)
      b) BP/US$ 12/16/2002 (YP U3)
      c) BP/US$ 3/17/2003 (YP H3)
      d) BP/US$ 6/16/2003 (YP M3)
      e) BP/US$ 9/15/2003 (YP U3)
      f) BP/US$ 12/15/2003 (YP Z3)
      g) BP/US$ 3/15/2004 (YP H4)
      h) BP/US$ 6/14/2004 (YP M4)

      This time period covers 8 1/4 of a year ~ 2 years which is what I asked for.

      When I try to plot a daily chart of any OF THESE SYMBOLS I get the same message "NO data for the selected date range".

      The 'Settings' are :

      1. Days Back -> 500 which I reduce to a low figure to experiment but it has no effect.

      2. Last Date -> 06/14/2004 for YP M4

      3. Compression -> Daily

      4. Field -> Trade Record

      5. Timezone -> Exchange

      The only thing that I find inconsistent is that within TS2000i the datafeed is always set to DBC Online and it cannot be changed, whereas the GlobalServer has the Esignal plugin in the dropdown list but NEVER retains the selection when it is changedfrom DBC to Esignal Plugin (after closing down the server).

      I am beginning to feel & look fairly stupid. What I am doing makes sense logically but the results are incorrect.

      Plotting ES #F however does bring up a chart which is totally blank when set to daily, but there is data at the top OHLC. The data is a straight green line on the LHS of the screen. Changing to weekly & monthly brings up the same staright line even for intra-day and tick ! It is not a graph it is a straight line and it is horizontal when Intra-Day or Tick are selected. According to the stats ES #F (S&P 500 E-mini futures have changed by -0.46% so fat today).

      So, some data is getting in, I just cannot plot it. In the case of historical contracts, I have no idea what is wrong.

      To complicate matters further, Advanced Get for TS2000i brings up a perfect daily chart for ES #F !

      I will print and read the entire section on plotting a chart again.

      It is obviously considerably more complex than one would imagine.

      If Esignal itself were not so complex and I was not basing my trading startegy around a set of 15 indicators written for TS in Easy Language I would probably trash it.

      If anybody can see anything obviously wrong with the above please respond as I am running out of ideas.

      Thank you 4 your patience Alex.

      Kevin Raggett


      • #4
        2. First of all have you checked in GlobalServer if you actually have the data for those symbols?
        To do this go to the Portfolio in GlobalServer and double click any one of those symbols (or right click it and select Edit Symbol).
        Then go to the Edit Data tab and select 1 Day as the resolution. Does it show available data (it will say that at the bottom of the window together with the start/end dates of the available range)?

        Also what symbols did you use to download data for the expired contracts?
        If you used for example YP M3 then you may not have downloaded any data as eSignal uses modified symbols for expired contracts. The correct symbol should be
        [root symbol] [month code][4 digit year code]
        (for example YP M2003)
        This would also explain why you are not getting any data for YP M4 (to use your own example)

        As to ES #F what are the settings for that symbol (Settings, Sessions, History to Save etc)?
        Without knowing any of these details it is close to impossible to determine what the problems (if any) may be. It would be preferable if you posted images of the settings etc.

        As to the issue of being able to select only DBC Online in TS2k that is because you selected GlobalServer as the data source. As I already said in my prior message TS2k does not deal directly with a feed, that is GlobalServer's task. TS2k only reads the data from GlobalServer or 3rd Party Directories (such as ascii, metastock, etc)


        • #5
          The inconsistencies between globalserver & esignal are unworkable

          Hi Alex,

          In response to your last post I have tried adding a symbol in the format you suggest.

          First, Globalserver does not like it - after all the format is pretty much universally accepted. Why change the symbol format that is accepted by most data vendors ?

          Second, I did add it and it's expiration date was set to the year 2012 - what kind of default is that ?

          Third, downloading data for it, did not work.

          I will try another data provider as I have never seen so many post and problems with this plugin in my life.

          I wrote software for a living for 20 years. I would not release such crap if my life depenced upon it -> I would have been fired.

          Thanks 4 the days of endless and ultimately pointless support.

          K Raggett
          Kevin Raggett


          • #6
            FYI I just set up YP M2003 in GlobalServer

            Once that was done I downloaded the data for it using the Plugin.

            As you can see in the next image the data was downloaded and stored in GlobalServer

            Following is the chart for the data I just downloaded.

            Total time to complete all the above steps was less than 5 minutes.
            As far as I can see TS2k, GlobalServer and the Plugin are working without any problems
            What instead transpires from your messages is that you do not have a clear understanding of how TS2k/GlobalServer work and/or how to use them. I reiterate my prior suggestion to read the Help files for that program.

            Thanks 4 the days of endless and ultimately pointless support

            FYI I do not work for eSignal so you may want to spare me the sarcasm. For that matter I believe it would be uncalled for even if I did work for eSignal.


            • #7
              I have tried again Alex - I need a screen capture utility 2 show what is happenjing


              I have tried yet again to duplicate what is happening on my side.

              1. I started afresh with a single symbol - it had to have no space in it for Esignal to feed data to it i.e. YPM2003 would connect, YP M2003 would not.

              2. When I looked at the 'Edit data' section for the symbol, there were only 20 days of data which would explain why the chart will not plot.

              3. I then amended the date range to that of yours and hit 'Reload Data'. None of the additional data was loaded. It seems to be defaulting to loading 20 days - I do not know where this default is set.

              If you can recommend a screen capture utility, i can show you what is happening and you can probably work it out.

              I apologise for the sarcasm but all I want is to draw a simple chart.


              Kevin Raggett


              • #8
                try yhis one; it's for free and works well without annoying popups


                • #9
                  Thanks Marc - I will capture what is happening BUT I don't think Alex will help ?

                  Hi Marc,

                  I am trying everything - I appreciate your help on the phone the other day.

                  There is something definitely wrong with setup's on different machines.

                  I was too sarcastic with Alex the other day when I lost my patience so I think there will be no help from that source anymore, even though he appears to be an expert in this area.

                  In that case, I will try a different data source for data.

                  TS2000i works with others and I do not need the Esignal application anyway.

                  Also, the free historical futures data from the source you suggested will help a lot. Kust need some current data from a more reliable source than Esignal then.

                  Thanks Marc.

                  Kevin Raggett


                  • #10
                    I was actually waiting for you to post the images now that you have a way to capture screenshots.

                    1. I started afresh with a single symbol - it had to have no space in it for Esignal to feed data to it i.e. YPM2003 would connect, YP M2003 would not

                    Something is not right in your setup of TS2k/GlobalServer if it is not recognizing YP M2003 and instead accepts YPM2003.

                    1. What version of TS2k are you running (see Help->About GlobalServer in GlobalServer)?
                    2. What version of the Plugin (see About in ActiveX Plugin)?
                    3. Before installing the Plugin did you run the Setup Wizard in GlobalServer to set it for use with eSignal as the data feed? If you did not then you will need to uninstall ther Plugin, run the Setup Wizard and reinstall the Plugin. For information on how to run the Setup Wizard see the Help files in GlobalServer.

                    Once the above points have been cleared then I will provide you with step by step instructions for inserting YP M2003 as a symbol.


                    • #11
                      Thanks ALex - I will do this later today

                      Hi Alex,

                      Will do this later today when got hang of screen capture utility + all version info requested.

                      I'm sure you will see the problem relatively quickly, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words ................


                      I appreciate your patience and once again apologise for my lack of it.
                      Kevin Raggett


                      • #12
                        Version no's 4 plugin & Global server here - cannot paste images 4 unknown reason

                        Hi Alex,

                        1. The GlobalServer version is 5.00.0822.

                        2. The Plugin version is

                        Is some kind of special coding required to put an image into a message ? I can copy/cut from MWSnap INTO ANY APPLICATION ON MY PC but not into a message on this thread. The right click 'Paste' item is greyed out.

                        I do not know why.

                        I looked at the source code for the HTML and it has <img> tags but surely I do not have to manually code these ?

                        My subscription expires on Friday so I am running out of time re sorting this out.............. sigh.

                        Kevin Raggett


                        • #13
                          The easiest method to post images is simply to attach them to the message you are posting (as you are composing the message scroll down the page until you see an Attach file section. Click on the Browse button next to it and navigate to the folder on your computer in which the image is stored.
                          However this method allows you to attach one file only per message.
                          If you want to post more than one image per message then you need to insert them inline.
                          For a brief guide on how to do this click here


                          • #14
                            Here is a step by step illustrated guide to create YP M2003 (and other expired or continuous contracts)

                            Select Insert->Symbol in the main menu of GlobalServer. The following window opens.

                            Click Add from Dictionary and the following window opens

                            Select Future as the Category, then type YP in the Search for box and click Find. Then select the symbol and click the Add button.

                            For now create only the Jun 2003 contract. Later you can repeat the process and create all the contracts you wish in a single step.
                            Click Add and you will be taken back to the following window that now contains the YP Jun 2003 symbol.

                            Select the appropriate Template and click OK and you will be taken back to the Portfolio.
                            In the Portfolio double click the YP U3 symbol and the Edit Symbol window will open.
                            In the Edit Symbol window change the Trading Name to YP M2003 then add the same to the Root Symbol
                            IMPORTANT: Change also the Expiration to Pattern 81 (ie No expiration).

                            Leave the settings in the other tabs unchanged and click OK.
                            Now select File->Download from eSignal in the main menu of GlobalServer and set up the window as in the following image

                            This will open the Symbols to Download window. Select YP M2003 from the list and click OK. The download should begin and once the process is complete it should have downloaded 114 days.
                            Go to TradeStation and chart the data you have just downloaded.

                            At this point you can repeat the process for any other contract you want to download including the continuous contract the symbol of which is YP #F


                            • #15
                              Alex - this worked perfectly - thank you for your patience with this

                              Hello Alex,

                              I appreciate your patience in regard to this.

                              A picture is indeed worth a thousand words and I appreciate all your help regarding this.

                              Finally, I am getting charts and can use the proprietary indicators for TS2000i.

                              All the best

                              Kevin Raggett

